Religious and unreligious persons: do you try to convert others?

No, I see religion, or lack of it, as a personal choice and I would never try to convert someone to my way of thinking. In fact, I won’t even offer my opinion on the subject unless I am directly asked.

Athiest, for the records.

Going with the crowd here, I’ll talk about it if the person is receptive. It usually doesn’t come up as a conversation starter (“Oh, hi. Nice weather we’re having. Yup, the bus should be here soon. Have you felt the need to accept Jesus into your life?”)

I like what Edmund Rostand has a nun say about the hero in Cyrano de Bergerac: ‘My sisters, I beg you to stop pestering our guest… If God wants Monsieur Cyrano’s soul, he knows where to find it.’

Since religious matters play a big role in my life, I do tend to talk about church, theology, etc. quite often, but I rarely do so to convert anyone, usually I bring up topics because I’m just that interested in them. If I am “witnessing” it’s usually to try and convince fundamentalists to be a little more open-minded to different ideas, faith traditions (or lack thereof), and to possibly embrace a more liberal mindset. I almost never try to actively “convert” (which really isn’t a good word anyway) people who are not Christian.

Witnessing to me is a tricky issue. For once thing, I want to make sure people who are unchurched but still feel the presence in their lives know that there are churches out there that will welcome them whatever they feel. And at the same time, I don’t want anyone to feel like I’m being “pushy” or whatever, because that just turns people off completely.

Do you try to convert others?
Hell no. (Oh, wait, that doesn’t work so well since I’m basically an atheist.)

The only times I talk about religion are when I’m confronted with it or when I’m having one of those spiritual conversations you get into with your buddies when it’s really late at night and/or you’re under the influence of some substance(s). Most of the time, I have better things to do than to argue with someone about something as irrational and personal as faith.

The last conversation I had with a god-peddler was with a Jehovah’s Witness several months ago. Surprisingly enough, they even exist in Japan, where 1% or less of the total population is Christian. As usual, I was as polite and as non-confrontational as possible (you sometimes practically have to shut the door in their faces to get them to understand that the conversation is over). I forget exactly what we said during the whole conversation, but I do remember the closing.

I said, “Some people seem to need religion. I don’t. I’m glad that you have found something that makes you happy, but it’s not for me.” That pretty much sums up my point of view on religion. I don’t really care what someone else believes, as long as it makes them happy, and as long as I don’t have to deal with it. If you insist on trying to convert me, you’re going to have to put up with my refutation of your arguments, or if you’re being a jerk, you’re going to have to deal with my closing the door in your face or walking away.

I’ve never really understood the need to evangelize that some people have. Even when I was going to church regularly as a kid, I thought that it was crass to basically sell God door to door, and I felt that publicly praying was exhibitionistic. If I were still a Christian, the relationship between God and me would be far too meaningful for me to parade it in front of other people. I’d no more evangelize than I would praise the virtues of my girlfriend to total strangers and invite them to try her and see for themselves.

“Let me tell you, I’ve got a great relationship with God. He gives one hell of a hummer! Why don’t you try Him out and see how great He is. Changed my life, man.”

No, I make a point of respecting everyone’s religious beliefs- to a point.

I’d never try and “de-convert” anyone from one of the Main Religions, but if someone is clearly deluded (Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, I’m looking at you) and wants to pick a theological fight, then it is on, mofo!

Of course, I have to admit I’m not above quoting from non-existent books of a certain major religious text. What amazes me is that not once- never!- has anyone ever said (in real life) “You’re making that up!”. :smiley:

Indeed, if I may, a reading from the Book Of Enfield:

And Lo, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred And Ninety Five, the Queen of England did command unto her Generals that they createth for her a new Weapon, with which they might righteously smite those who were without civilisation, or French, and prove the power and majesty of Britain once and for all. But Your Majesty, sayeth the Generals, how shall we design this new Weapon?
And Her Majesty did look unto the distance, and Yea, she replied “Let us make a new weapon in the Holy Calibre, whose number shall be .303, and which shall be made at the Holy Place which shall be called Enfield. And Verily, though it shalt only hold one of the bullets in the Holy Calibre, it shall most righteously strike down those who disagree with us, and strike fear and lead unto the hearts of the savage wherever they may be within a 1000 yard range.” And the Generals did cause for such a weapon to be made, and they named it a Martini-Enfield. For Yea, the Uncivilised did fall before the onslaught of the Holy Calibre, as they did in the time of the Great Queen, and later in the time of Kings. And the Soldiers of the Queen did look upon their vanquished foes, and then they offered praise unto the Martini-Enfield. And it was Good.
" :smiley:

But yeah, I’m surprised how many hardcore religious notes have only rote-learned parts of the Bible (often out of context) and have no real knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the Life of Jesus or the times The Bible was written in.

And, of course, it’s fun to mispronounce The Bible as The Bibble, especially if you do it with a straight face and in all seriousness… :smiley:

Why are Mormons and Witnesses necessarily deluded, as opposed to say, practicing Jews, Catholics, or Buddhists?

Can God give Himself a penis so large he can’t fit it into his own mouth?

There are many, many reasons- but off the top of my head, the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ refusal to celebrate any birthdays or anniversaries, excommunicating anyone who doesn’t do exactly what they’re told 100% of the time, and general weird cult-like behaviour spring to mind.

As for the Mormons? All I can say is the whole thing with the gold tablets and Joseph Smith just makes me go :dubious:. I honestly can’t see how any sane or rational person could possibly buy into that.

I don’t know about that, but I did hear about his involvement with an elective surgery. Something about one of his buddies removing a rib. What I can’t figure out is how a chick got involved. Maybe Adam wanted to bone her.