Religious couple doesn't know how to have sex and make babies, gets sex therapy.

This was posted here a while ago and is preserved for posterity on the PoF:

OK…so it is listed as an Urban Myth, (and here I am the official myth-buster on our office email).

However, the story I related comes from my (very real) friend MaryJane, and her (not her roomate/cousin/neighbor) first job out of college (1972) was for Planned Parenthood in Chicago. MaryJane also told me quite a few other sad stories about her job there. She didn’t last long at the position for a lot of reasons.

So - was she pulling my leg? Or was her story for real? I guess I will never know as we lost contact a long time ago.

But considering I can no longer verify her story - I’ll drop it from my list of interesting job related tales.


As described by him: “If my wife is on top, she considers that dirty sex. She feels like a whore.”
Alrighty then…*

What is it if this neighbor husband has sex with a pumpkin?
/just curious

The snopes link does say:

So they’re not saying it never happens, just that they don’t believe any of the specific stories they saw, or that it has ever gone to a lawsuit. If there were any cases not private of someone eating spermicide, snopes’d probably like to hear them.

Snopes weighs in. Undecided as yet, pending more talks with sources, but almost certainly a joke, they say. Keep checking for updates!

I found the Universitätsklinik Lübeck (Lübeck University Hospital) site. No mention of them offering fertility services.

lainaf: next time, try Babelfish. :slight_smile:

True, but their Chancellor doesn’t end every public speech with God bless Germany!. Nor, AFAIK does any other First World political leader, except Dubya. So we Americans get the possibly mistaken impression that such a scenario as described in the OP could only happen here.

Other than the premarital sex=sin/other bad stuff, you’ve got the Shakers, which the lovely history book informed me that the Shakers are a group that believe any sex is evil or unnecessary or something like that. However, they’re not exactly in the majority (for reasons which are really pretty obvious).

Just a thought… whether this story is true or not, it could be quite feasible for a religious couple not to know how to have sex.

I’ve known quite a few religious folks whose church arranged their marriage, and nothing I’ve seen would indicate that either one is attracted to the other.

If you haven’t got sufficient urge to perform the deed, and/or are inhibited on religious grounds from exploring those dirty thoughts, you probably won’t work out how it’s done. :wink:

Come on now, sex is very uncomplicated. Insert Tab A into Slot B.* Even if you’ve never seen the genitals of the opposite sex, you can pretty much figure out for yourself what’s going on.

Doing it RIGHT is another story.

I should, perhaps, point out that ‘quite a few’ is a bit misleading there.

It’s not so much ‘quite a few’ as ‘all the ones I actually know, which happens to be 3 couples (one set is only engaged at present)’.

At the risk of giving TMI, I know that it’s not quite that simple.

When my first boyfriend and I were together, we knew the mechanics of the deal, but every time we tried to have sex I’d freeze up and there was no way, no how, he was getting in there.

It took us months (yes, months) to get me to not do the big muscle-freezing thing. What can I say - he was unbelievably tolerant. :wink: Great guy, too.

However (she said, getting back on track), I’m thinking that if you *didn’t * know the mechanics of it, and you couldn’t get Tab A into Slot B when you tried, you’d pretty much figure that wasn’t how it worked, wouldn’t you?

Just a thought. :slight_smile:

But a very good one – if people tell them “do what comes naturally”, I can picture them figuring that if this is not working right, then this must not be what they meant. Specially in societies where we may not be quite as in touch with how nature really works (e.g. I have a hard time thinking that old-time farmboys/farmgals would not have a chance to notice exactly what it takes to make little calves/lambs/colts/puppies.)

Still, we want to believe it must be because of some religious proscription (often tied in with a foreign ethnicity, or with a less-than-sophisticated background) because it plays into our preconceived notions.

Perhaps for the OP, but in the case Madters and Johnson told us about, there was no cultural baggage of these people being foreign, especially religious, or a member of any particular race or class (except that they were “otherwise well-educated”)

100 years ago, this could probably have happened (In all those royalty biographies I’m always reading, there’s always the story of the sheltered princess who, on her wedding night, is traumatized by what truly happens when one gets married!).

Fifty years ago, perhaps not so common, but possible.

But today? That’s just…I mean, MAYBE if you were living in some real backwater part of some third world country under maybe say, the Taliban, I guess it could happen.

But I’m still skeptical.

Still, there are a LOT of idiots out there when it comes to sex. The sex question forum from the old SAAN boards (Ho in the Know) used to get all kinds of goofy, off the wall threads.

Oh the hilarity!

Or they could just not be paying attention. I’ve stopped being surprised by what people get wrong as a result of having caught only glimpses of fractional information. As mentioned above, it may well be likelier that these are cases wherre the parties know they have to do something, but get it all wrong as to how. (Heck, even those who nominally know the mechanics need refreshers on the details – The Joy of Sex wouldn’t sell a jillion copies if everyone knews exactly what s/he was doing) As Khiadra said, a couple may be under the impression that whatever the procreative act is, it should be easy, painless, clean, fresh-scented and pleasurable right from the 00:00:00.001-second mark, and anything that takes toil, sweat and tears to achieve must not be it.

Read your own link Bosda

So what?

There’s a 1 in 10,000 chance it happened, & a much better chance it did not.

It is perfectly reasonable to assume that the likeliest option is correct.

“When you hear the sound of hoofbeats, look for horses, not for zebras.”

You’d have to be REALLY not paying attention, I would think.

I mean, it IS possible, but unlikely.