Renting and privacy...

Doesn’t the new buyer have to honor the lease?

I came home several months ago to see that my landlord had

a.) entered my apartment without notice,

b.) left a big dirty ugly bucket in my hallway,

c.) left my closet door open, and

d.) shut my cat up in the bathroom.

The first three I found annoying. The third outraged me, because what if I hadn’t come home til much much later than I did? What if I’d spent the night at my BF’s house and come home the next day to find my poor kitty-cat still stuck in the bathroom, with no food, no litterbox, and only the toilet to drink out of?

The irony is that if he HADN’T shut my cat up in the bathroom, and all other things remained the same, I’d have been just as pissed off, because my cat LOVES to chew on my clothes and shoes so my closet is completely off-limits.

He got a very pissed off voicemail about it, and then he called me back to say that my unit is the one with attic access and he needed to fix something up there.

Um, that’s not a freakin’ answer. I don’t care WHY you needed to get in the attic. My point is that you don’t get to enter my apartment without my knowledge unless it’s an emergency, and you certainly better leave the place exactly the way you found it! Free-roaming cat included!

This is the kind of thing that can happen when you rent from a non-corporate retired guy. They can be friendlier and easier to get along with but their attitude towards their job can be a lot more relaxed, which isn’t always a good thing.

And just because I want to whine, he would always show up at ten in the morning on the first of the month, banging on my door to get rent. He knew that I bartended and kept odd hours; he didn’t care. I was one of his first stops. And if I didn’t answer or wasn’t home, he’d call me all day.

Finally I said, “LOOK, rent isn’t late at ten in the morning! Rent isn’t late til the end of the day! You’ll get it before five o’clock and that’s IT!”

Either that or I’d tell him I’d pay the late fee and to come back tomorrow. Which seemed to distress him even more.

I don’t think our landlord has ever stopped by, and their business is on the same block. If we need repairs, we tell them, and we get plenty of notice about when a repair company will be coming by.

Not sure. However, I did mention a few times in my post that I would not have a tenant leave until after said lease has expired.

That being said, if the buyer intends to use the property as a rental property, then there’s no reason to kick the tenant out.

That changes with jurisdiction.

In Spain a one-year lease is automatically renewed and the tenants can’t be evicted for five years unless they are not paying, seriously damaging the property or if the landlord needs to move in. If the landlord wants to sell, the renters get dibs on buying and the lease stands if the buyer is a third party. But that’s in Spain - some of the conditions I’ve had in American leases would be invalid under Spanish Rental Law.