Repeal & replace Obamacare, Donald Trump's first success?

Thanks, Buck Godot. The one thing I find hard to imagine is that Trump would come up with something brand new, created from the ground up in such a short time. Plus, Tom Price is going to be Trump’s HHS secretary. Your guess is as good as anyone’s. Probably better.

Doesn’t look really that good, but not so bad that Trump wouldn’t get people in line with some well placed Tweets.

“Here’s your insurance. It’s $123,000 per year. Sucks if you are too poor to afford it. You must be lazy”

He does on the big stuff. Remember, we’re going to build a wall, a great wall, and Mexico will pay for it." Not much wiggle room there.
Or, if you prefer,

You missed this bit:

Let’s see him tweet himself out of that one.

My fear is that he’ll throw the left a curveball with some form of universal coverage, and lull people into thinking he’s really on our side/not so bad/a good egg. Then on the shit he really cares about– nukes, destroying ISIS/Islam, favors from Russia, etc-- he’ll have less resistance.

I can just hear my Trump loving family members now: “WTF do you want from President Trump? He gave you free insurance, so how could his plan to round up Muslims be a bad thing?? How could you disagree with his decision to drop nukes??!? How could eliminating the CIA and rounding up journalists possibly be bad??!??! He’s on our side!!!11”

He never said that. Lying media.

“Latvians hacked my Twitter account. Demand potato. Sad!”

That’s basically my reaction. He’s made a pie-in-the-sky promise *no one *could keep: Lower Deductibles AND Lower Premiums AND Insurance for Everyone!

This is image-building. He won’t “be able” to follow through on it because the evil Muslims (or whoever he ends up using as an excuse to suspend the Constitution) attacked us. But he really wanted to do it! He’s such a great guy! If only those evil __________ hadn’t attacked us!

And yet, I still don’t get why you’d ever assume he has a plan if he doesn’t show it off first. There’s literally no reason to “hide” his healthcare replacement plan. It could have been his line-one item during the election when it came to policy. It wasn’t. We have seen neither hide nor hair of it. We have yet to see any evidence he’s even contemplated it. A plan like this rides in no small part on the details, and Trump has never done policy details. His claims that he would destroy ISIS were also “consistent”.

Rand Paul was on CNN Sunday talking about his plan which he wants to include bare-bones plans, the ones that don’t pay when you have a claim.

Ways to work towards this promise are:

1 Lots of extra government money directly or indirectly
2 Lots of young and healthy people (who are not paying today) contributing
3 Poor coverage (crap insurance, lacking or nonexistent coverage mandates)
4 Strong rationing

There are elements of 2,3,4 in Tom Price’s plan (link earlier). Number 1 if the tax credits are really generous. To be sure, 3 and 4 can be pretty crappy options and people might even fail to realize they’re happening.

Or actual cost cutting. Trump promised to take on drug prices. But on this I remain sceptical.

Did he ever tweet anything about Martin Shkreli?

Not sure you’re asking seriously? Not a tweet, but he did talk about him during a campaign rally.

That’s also not any earth-based UHC.

Where is it more expensive that the US-system? What are these death panels of which you speak?

It was a joke. I was humorously describing common features of government-run UHC using tongue-in-cheek right-wing scaremongering terms. I’m not afraid of government-run medicine, not even when right-winger propaganda tries to make it sound scary. “High taxes” = UHC funded out of tax revenue. “Death panels” = any of the means by which Government-run health systems decide questions on coverage, rationing or triage (things which happen in any health system of course).

Yeah, even if the total cost does go down, it would have to be funded from taxes which means higher taxes even if the vast majority of people would save more money. And higher taxes is a huge bogeyman.

Lots of ways to hide that, though. I’ve seen a proposal, for example, that the “tax” be on businesses, and equivalent to 80% of what they pay for employee health care now, adjusted for cost into the future. Businesses pay less, employees see no change at all, costs get controlled (that’s where the “missing” 20% comes from), and everybody gets health care.

If there is “insurance for everybody”, cost cutting will have to cover a lot more than some " ‘missing’ 20%".

I suspect that in the end that “everybody” will mean “everybody with insurance now”. Or fewer. Probably fewer.

He’ll just say the lying media misquoted him. What he really said was "insurance for everybody…who can afford the huge deductibles and premiums.