"Report Bad Post"

:smack: How could I not have known?

Before I rush out to shave my feet and buy some heels, and since all Halflings share a fear of trolls, could anyone enlighten me as to the definition of Trolling in SDMB? Would you report it as a bad post? Sometimes or always?

Trolling, from the analogy to dragging a shiny object through the water, hoping to get fish to strike it, is a widely used internet term for a poster who wll deliberately take a controversial position or continually make inappropriate comments simply to get other posters to react to them (to strike at his or her bait).

Since the word troll is also familiar to posters who have read The Three Billy Goats Gruff as children, sometimes people refer to trolls living under bridges–a construction that may be humorous, but which is incorrect etymologically. (Besides, all Yoopers know that trolls are the people who live in the Michigan Lower Peninsula).

Since trolling can be a subjective call, I would tend to avoid reporting a troll. Some people who are acting like asses are simply asses. Actuall trolls will out themselves to the staff over time and do not need to be reported. On the other hand, since trolling is a bannable offense on the SDMB, it is not appropriate to label someone a troll, publicly–either by directly calling them troll or by suggesting they not be “fed” or by mentioning their sub-pontian housing.

Shows you how well I’m travelling. I have been lurking here since about 1999 and never knew that function existed. :smack:

I’ve only used it a couple of times to report inappropriate links.

Careful, bub, I’m dating one of them! :wink:

I’ve reported a few posts over the years, usually when it looks like something’s headed for a total meltdown. One thing I’ve noticed about the changes to the board is you apparently can’t report your own post to a moderator. I’ve wanted to do that when I’ve made a typo which changes the meaning of the whole sentence, such as leaving out “not” or when responding to someone who’s accusing me of being unreasonable. I figure if I am I should be called on it, and I’m not always the best judge of that.

Halfling, welcome to the SDMB! It’s a marvelous way to learn how people from all over the world think without leaving the comfort of your home.


Heck! For 30 years, I was one. (Well, for 23 years; for my first seven there was no bridge to live under.)

Once I was complaining about the useless thread titles people use (probably in ATMB) and a mod recommended using the “report bad post” button to inform the mods so they could edit the title. So I do that occasionally.