Representations of military in popular entertainment

Well, there’s also GI Joe. :wink:

BHD was a good movie because both sides of the debate can point to it and claim it as theirs. I think the best war movies, or any type of movies for that matter, are complex and don’t assign a white hat or a black hat.

BHD shows the flaws in the American War Machine. From civilian government, down to field level arrogance.

But on the flip side, BHD was one of the best recruiting films ever made for the miliatry. Despite the gore and fear, would be warriors seem to love the glory and technology. A really good film.

I love AFGM, but I think it would have been better had it been un-Sorkened a little by a more neutral director. I love the work of Rob Reiner, but he doesn’t play “in the grey” very well. Both he and Sorkin have a very ideological view of who wears what hat. But the speech Jessup makes could actually have framed an intellectual debate on how much humanity is required when preparing men and women to kill for our country.

In different hands, one could have left the film with a lot to think about and discuss over coffee.

But Reiner and Sorkin did not leave much room debate. The film’s score let us know that Jessup is the bad guy, and his points have no merit.

I like a film that makes you think instead of doing the thinking for you.

Stripes was kind of negative toward the military.

Apocalypse Now is rather anti military.

Platoon is, I honestly feel, neutral about it and lets you decide for yourself.

The Green Berets is decidedly pro-military. Just look at John Wayne’s film career for more pro-military. Did he do any anti-military?

Platoon was based on Oliver Stone’s real experiences in Vietnam. The Charlie Sheen character was based on Stone himself (Stone dropped out of college to volunteer for combat duty in Nam).