Republican Congressman apparently is now synonymous with "Clueless Asswad"

Alas, you’re right, but I was sorta hoping we weren’t electing them to congress.

If I might make a related observation…

Most of these Poo-Poo Platter politicians don’t think for themselves, very much. They preside over an office, which represents a district, and the district tells the politicians what to think and say, sometimes according to the loudest, most vehement proponents of the theory of squeaky wheels and grease.

Apparently, name-recognition lasts slightly longer than the notoriety with which it is sometimes created. You wanna change that? Three easy steps, for us Merkins.

  1. Find your Representative.

  2. Get the fuckhead’s address from the same page or related links.

  3. Don’t write him or her individually. Instead, go out, get drunk at a bar, get a bunch of like-minded people to sign up with you, and above all accurately record the names, addresses and phone numbers of those who are willing to stand tall before The Man. Don’t bullshit. Then send the dumb sonofabitch your polite but firm ultimatum.

Expect some poor college intern to call your house to verify that your like-minded friends are in fact registered voters and honestly give a shit about what they are talking about.

Being a Representative is expensive and generally unrewarding unless they receive regular input from the people they represent. So get together, decide on a message (which is probably harder than you think), and send it. You can change the course of politics far faster by scaring the shit out of your resident sociopath than you can by reelecting some new asshole who has favors to pay for the next two years.

But if the guy or gal is a true prick, like the abovementioned, why not just get together, write his opponent, and promise to show up come election day? Sending money helps, too, but showing up is what it’s all about when it comes to democracy, and you’d be surprised at how many people consider it a pain in the ass rather than a responsibility.

Just look at all those Pat Buchanan supporters in Palm Beach, and what they accomplished.

I’ve been down that road.

Hell, buddy, I LIVE on that road. Stop by for tea next time you’re passing.

Just to inject a little levity here, but don’t MOST puppets, by definition, demonstrate “proper fisting techniques”? :smiley:

No harm, no foul.

And thanks to everyone who defended me before I came back to this thread.

The latest I found on the net is from 1999

At previous rates of increasing, it is quite possible that the infection levels have grown to near 40% in some regions.

Q: Why are our lawmakers wasting time on and giving lip to this non-issue when more pressing legislative matters need to be addressed before the summer recess?

A: Because we live in a representitive democracy. The whining, complaining and ranting you hear about HIV infected muppets that’s coming from Capital Hill is a result of constiuent complaints coming into the switchboards. Complaints that are no doubt the caused by all the furor on talk radio.

IMO: The only way to mute opposition to this and other PBS controversies is to pull the plug on the CPB an eliminate all tax-payer funding.

Popular shows like Sesame St. will survive.

Why should public funds be used to subsidize program producers who are making million$ on toy, clothing, video and movie franchise sales anyway?

You want to provide programming to people use your own money and let the market decide what gets aired and what doesn’t. Either that or you going to have to grin and bear it when certain sectors in society complain about how their money is spent.

While they’re at it, maybe someone should look into the personal finances of Bill Moyers

Reading that letter again, I’m struck again by the sheer fatuousness of its tone; the smug assumption that they know what’s “appropriate”. Assholes sound like upper-class Victorians. I wonder if they have any awareness at all of what’s going on in South Africa?