Republican voter intimidation tactics

Right. And these reports aren’t of the all kinds of dubious type “my girlfriend said when she was on the phone this morning with her third cousin, twice removed in Florida that the Republicans are…”

I have. I’m seeing some isolated factual incidents, along with a fair bit of, “Someone said there’s teams of people walking the streets of Florida telling blacks not to vote,” type of fearmongering.

I’m aware of the Ohio case. It’s a legitimate issue and question. It’s being treated as if Bush called out the army to fire on people voting Democrat. I just can’t stand the ranting and apocalyptic ravings.

Then again, like my father-in-law always says, every good Christian has the deep down fear, driven by ego, that the rapture will come in his or her lifetime. Lord knows we can’t admit we live in a rather stable and boring political system; we must hype it up as if we are holding elections in Afghanistan.

And that principal… was George W. Bush.

Reading this depresses me. “Rampant conspiracy theories”? Come ON. Remember 2000? How SCOTUS yanked the election case out of the Florida Supreme Court, because their ruling would win it for Gore? How the list of “felons” who weren’t allowed to vote was made up overwhelmingly of black people–and that list still wasn’t fixed for this year?

You are correct when you say

The difference is that it looks like it’s the GOP who has adopted this stance as a matter of strategy today, not the Democrats. For every news story about 90,000 disenfranchised Floridians, there’s a counter-balanced story about, say, one crack addict faking 100 registration forms because he’s paid on a per-form basis. THESE ARE NOT EQUAL CRIMES. However, they will be used to undermine the legitimacy of a John Kerry presidency if he wins, mark my words.

We Democrats have earned our paranoia about voter suppression.

(And I’m studiously ignoring your second paragraph. It wouldn’t take much searching to come up with a similar list of dumb things that Bush supporters believe.)

Why should you care about Kerry’s supporters? Care only about John Kerry and his presidency, versus George Bush and his presidency. Then vote based on that.

That’s your interpretation of what happened. Phrasing what happened in 2000 like you just did is exactly what I’m talking about.

“Don’t you remember 2000? When having a fair election result was barely saved by SCOTUS yanking the election case from the leftist and biased Florida Supreme Court, and having the intelligence to have the highest election in the land interpreted by the highest court in the land?” It’s no better; it looks equally stupid. It’s all gross hyperbole.

Because in a democracy, presidents pander to the views and wants of their supporters. Nutso supporters can often lead to nutso policies, as evidenced by Iraq.