RESOLVED: Using the term "democrat party" should be a bannable offense

From what I can see, you flagged a post for no discernible reason and got told that there was no problem with it. There’s nothing about this unsurprising fact that has any relevance to the OP or to this thread.

Trump has been called more different insulting names on this board and many others, both inside and outside the Pit, than perhaps any other single individual. Hell, he’s been called worse things by his own former senior staff – “a fucking moron” (Sec of State Rex Tillerson); “…has the intellect of a fifth- or sixth-grader” (Sec of Defense James Mattis).

What the OP is talking about is a systematic attempt to modify legitimate language for the sole purpose of being gratuitously offensive, with the intent of promoting its widespread use. If you can’t see this very basic difference I don’t think I can help you any further.