Restroom Etiquette and Genders

There are exceptions to every rule. I hope old soldiers will support me on this. In the old mobilization barracks the latrines are broken into three distinct rooms, a gang shower, a room of double loaded sinks and a room of double loaded toilet stools, maybe ten or twelve of them facing each other with no privacy or any pretence of it. The latrine served 40 or so soldiers. In the evenings, after dinner, after any evening activity, the stools would be full of soldiers talking, smoking, polishing boots and generally enjoying the only few minutes of relaxation they would have. Most guys bowels shortly adjusted to an 8:00 PM daily. It was sort of a social time.

Of course the military exception is acceptable. I would probably do the same were I a female soldier.

however, in the office environment, shut up! Don’t talk to me when I’m in the stall. Thankfully all of my coworkers are with me in this one. It’s especially egregious because we have a little LOUNGE (nothing much, just a couch and a mirror) in the front room of the bathroom “suite”, so do your talking there!

I read that as “8:00 BM daily.”

I joined the Army in '87. There are lots of things to be apprehensive about when signing up, but I think one of my biggest fears was the row of open crappers and having to use them in front of a bunch of people. Fortunately, the crappers were all individual stalls by the time I got there. Our shower time wasn’t much more than a naked guy group hug, but that may have changed by now too.

Anyway, urinals in army latrines were fairly chatty places, but usually that was because the guys were all in your squad or platoon, and bathroom breaks were usually mass affairs. Away from that, I think the usual “let’s just pretend neither of us is actually here” applied.

Please tell me that you don’t have a laptop.

Hey I said I wasn’t an exhibitionist!

At least he’s up front about it: Not Found - Overheard In The Office

Employer: “So where do you see yourself in five years?”

Candidate: “I envision myself heading up the marketing department, making strides in corporate accounting, and… oh man, that breakfast burrito is about to explode! This is going to be a nasty one! Can I call you back in ten?”

If the guy was able to take care of a case of the green apple splatters without breaking stride, and got the job – then I salute him.