Risk of adult woman being abducted

In many places these terms are applied when someone is prevented from moving about as they please. This is by no means a good thing, but it is often rather different from what the word “abduction” conjures up in most minds.

I’m also wondering about statistics on women who report being raped or assaulted by their husbands. I can imagine questions on a survey that say, “Have you ever had sex with your husband after telling him that you did not want to?” or “Has your husband ever insisted that you have sex with him?” Or a question that tries to determine that the husband initiated the sex against the desires of the wife. That such a description can apply to rape as well as a perfectly safe and healthy negotiation between marrieds makes me wonder about a lot of the statistics that are used in these discussions. Depending upon who’s asking, there could be a wide discrepancy in the interpretation of the results.

Like most rape surveys, it probably probably says “has your husband ever used force or the threat of force to have sex with you against your will?” Hardly part of a normal or healthy marriage.