RO alert: British tabloids sink to an all-time shit-sucking low

I don’t believe a boycott of NOTW and the Sun will happen, because their customer base is exactly the sort of people who really don’t care (although they have been slightly hoisted by their own petard, by bugging victims of child murder and troops, after deifying them for years).

A boycott on advertisers will have a much better effect though. You don’t have to be a typical Sun reader to decide to avoid tescos etc for a couple of weeks. The advertisers will get the message very soon, and without the advertising revenue, these papers will be dead in a few months.

Yes. Saw that one. Good stab but not great. Can only be a matter of time though.

I don’t know. The Sun never recovered in Liverpool after “The Truth”.

Very true, but scousers are incredibly tenacious when it comes to things like this. Not sure that the rest of the general public will be.

Censorship is an issue I hadn’t considered. Probably because of the disdain I hold towards most of the major UK newspapers, especially NOTW and the Sun.

No. He’s using hyperbole.

Ken Livingstone is loving this.

Questions from Ken:

Boris utterly failing to answer one of them:

BBC are reporting that there are nearly 4,000 potential victims of hacking. I wonder if News International is still offering them all the settlement of £100,000 that they offered to Sienna Miller?


It just appeared in the news ticker on the front page, but is also mentioned here…

Amazing interview from This Morning: (former?) features editor of NotW incriminates himself and implicates pretty much everyone else.

That is a sensationally revealing interview, where he confirms that Brooks, hints that Murdoch also, approved payments to the cops. And: “…apparently Andy Coulson was sobbing into his beer last night that he was going to jail.”

Guardian is reporting that the NOTW this weekend will feature no advertising.


4.39pm: Colin Myler will edit final edition and all the News of the World revenue will go to good causes, James Murdoch says in his statement.

4.38pm: James Murdoch is saying this Sunday’s News of the World will be the final issue.

4.38pm: Sunday will be the last issue of the News of the World.

There are also flash reports that this Sunday’s News of the World will be the last ever, apparently from James Murdoch - via BBC Radio.

News of the World is shut down:

Ye gods. That we should be alive on such a day.

News of the World is shut down

Ye gods. That we should be alive on such a day.

Baaa, bet you the “New News Of The World” opens next sunday … The Sunday Sun perhaps.

So how long until The Sun gets a Sunday issue then?

Great minds etc etc.

The Sunday Sun is a regional tabloid newspaper for the North East of England - generally pretty popular due to covering the regions football teams. They’ll have to think of another name probably.