Rock/pop songs with now-dated references

That was the first thing that popped into my mind.

I was in a local gaming store a year or two ago and the kids working had that tune playing. I had to ask if they had any idea who Jerry Brown even was. Nope, they didn’t.

Still, I’ll never fault anyone for liking kick-ass music.

I was actually surprised to find out it’s still around.

Every time I listen to “I Drove All Night,” I think of how the line “Maybe I should have called you first, but I was dying to get to you” would now be “I called you from my car.”

Similarly, any reference to answering machines would now have reference voice mail, since I know very few people that still have a physical machine.

“Long distance information, get me Memphis, Tennessee” – can you still dial Information? I haven’t done it for years.

In Wake Up, Little Susie, Susie has a ten o’clock curfew. Is that still reasonable? Probably on a school night.

Of course, now, being out all night with somebody would *make *a reputation, rather than *ruin *it.

Best wishes,

I heart you!

Send to the store
Let’s buy some more
Let’s have a party tonight.

What exactly did it mean to “send to the store”? Did it mean you sent your kid, or your odd job man, to buy the things, or did it mean just to call them up have it delivered?

Does anyone do Tae Bo anymore?
She checks out Mozart while she does Tae-Bo*
– Drops of Jupiter, Train

Bad Religion’s “10 in 2010” isn’t looking so accurate right now.

And a friend of mine told me a couple years ago that he felt really bad for Biggie, because he’ll now be forever rapping about old cars, pagers, etc. The funny thing was, he was absolutely serious.

Sweet Home Alabama:

In Birmingham we loved the Gov’nor.
We all did what we could do.
Now Watergate does not bother me.
Does your conscience bother you (now tell me true)?

Well, if I had voted for George Wallace, my conscience would bother me even worse than if I had voted for Nixon. (As it was, I wasn’t able to vote until 1976, but would have voted for Humphrey in '68 and McGovern in '72 had I been legally able) I wonder how many young fans even have a clue who the Governor is.

“Can’t Stand Losing You,” The Police:

I see you sent my letters back
And my LP records and they’re all scratched

We’ve covered the letter issue. To be modern, I think Sting would have to complain that his gal deleted his texts and infected his mp3s with a virus.

“When The World Is Running Down, You Make The Best Of What’s Still Around,” The Police:

Turn on my VCR, same one I’ve had for years
James Brown on the TAMI Show
Same tape I’ve had for years

Bet it was a Betamax.

This song also has the inexplicable line, “Plug in my MCI, to exercise my brain.” Does anybody know what the fuck an MCI is? I don’t.

“Take Care of Yourself,” Level 42

1-9-9-0 here we go, may the next ten break the mold

Actually, I saw and heard a jukebox Friday but a song on a jukebox probably hasn’t cost a dime since the Sixties, when pay phone calls were a dime and stamps were a nickel.

I missed an obvious one in my earlier post:

“20th Century Fox” by The Doors.

On the Pink Floyd “Animals” LP in “Pigs - three different ones”

Pig No3, Mary, the “house proud Town Mouse” was the late British “Clean up TV” campaigner Mary Whitehouse.

I think you’ve badly misunderstood this song. The line is actually “In Birmingham they love the governor” – followed by “Boo, boo, boo!” The narrator of “Sweet Home Alabama” does not express any personal fondness for the governor, and it seems clear enough to me that he is actually opposed to the governor.

Rap songs are of course full of this stuff. I was listening to Ready to Die yesterday, and I always love the line from “Juicy” -

Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis
When I was dead broke, man, I couldn’t picture this

I think it unlikely we’ll see anybody back in the USSR these days.

“here’s my number and a dime… and you can call me anytime”… by Skyy… I remember when they did it on Soul Train… calls were already a quarter!!..

Multiple references by Steely Dan “My old school” does the Wolverine still run?? “big Daddy G” funny… i can’t believe that old bastard Liddy is still alive…

Huh. I always thought they were boo-hooing over the fact that an assassination attempt on George Wallace crippled him, ending any likelihood of a presidential bid, but Wiki backs you up with cites. Looks like if Van Sant meant it the way I thought, he reconsidered, or more likely it was meant that way from the start. Well, I will say that they certainly left themselves open to miscontruction, and that the Watergate reference still is a dated reference.

It’s still an absolutely kickass song (turn it up!) but New Zealand singer Shona Laing’s “Soviet Snow” is dated. Another great song of hers, “(Glad I’m) Not A Kennedy” may be a bit dated musically and her look, but damn, to me the lyrics are still potent and timely every time a Kennedy dies. I love that violin! There are different mixes of this with more violin.

Kate Bush’s “There Goes A Tenner” seems dated with the lines: “There’s a ten-shilling note. Remember them?” And then there’s her wackily bizarre “Ken” about funky sex machine Ken Livingstone’s campaign for re-election as London Mayor, written and recorded for The Comic Strip.

Mind Your Own Business - Hank Williams
The woman on our party line’s a nosy thing
She picks up the receiver when she knows it’s my ring*