Romney praises Romneycare, criticizes Obamacare in the SAME SPEECH.

But you have to adjust tariffs such that our slave-based economies can survive. And you have to agree with us that slaves that flee north aren’t human and therefore can be hunted down and returned. And you have to help us hunt down runaway slaves. And by God, if you elect that Abraham Lincoln you will regret it for the rest of your … oh hey Sherman’s here yeah we lost can we give up now?

Well, you know, Colorado sick just ain’t like Massachusetts sick.

Has Romney explicitly gone of record saying that his main objection to Obama’s health care program is that it’s federal rather than state?

I don’t have time to look up a cite but I’ve seen him do this when explaining why he still stands behind what he did in Massachusetts but not ACA. It has been parroted by others. I don’t recall him ever saying that Romneycare was a bad idea - which it wasn’t.

And I find it quite amazing that so many on the right seem to be unaware of the 236 years that have elapsed since the ink dried on the Constitution, during which the strength and role of the Federal government has changed. I believe someone has already alluded to the landmark case of Lee v. Grant, for instance.



Carry on.

OK, I’ll accept the bold, size, color, italics, and underlining in pointing out my error, but was the Comic Sans really necessary?

Comic Sans is nevernecessary.

I’m so fucking sick of this argument.

Look, the bottom line is that it makes NO FUCKING SENSE for Romney to call for repeal of the national health care overhaul while simultaneously praising his IDENTICAL law in Massachusetts. You can spin it any way you want - which, to be sure, you’ve already done - but there is absolutely NO WAY (none, zero, zilch, nada) to reconcile the belief that MA health care reform is good but the ACA is an evil government overreach.

It seriously is one of the dumbest right-wing arguments that’s out there.

The federal vs. state argument is a real one, but it doesn’t apply to people who characterize the ACA the way a lot of Republicans do. If you think the law creates socialist death panels that takes away our freedom, who cares that Romney’s version only does so at a state level? I mean, yes, it would only kill people in Massachusetts, but still…

Haters. Comic sans is the best font in the world.

If you want your design to look like it was done by little girls.

It’s also the funniest font ever created. I mean, it’s got “comic” right in the name!

Yeah but it is Comic Sans, Without Comic (in an extremely tortured interpretation)…so in fact it is the saddest font in the world.

Is there a Comic Serif and if so, is it as widely (and unjustly) hated?

The world does not move to beat of just one drum.
What might be right for Massachusetts may not be right for Washington.

Stupid vBB doesn’t support Fraktur.

Just so we’re on the same page, here is what he said.

So he is not a hard-hearted Republican that wants people to die in the street.

So I have a healthcare plan that will totally pwn Obamacare.

The government should stay out of heathcare.

Government needs to stay out off people’s lives. Long live this great country, the Constitution and Jesus. God bless you my fellow Americans."

There’s no way in fuck I will vote for Obama so now I gotta find a good third-party candidate to vote for.

Romney has said that Romneycare is better because it was done by a state and not the Feds, basically: link.

But the absurdity is still present. If one believes that Obamacare and Romneycare share the same features, one can still object to the constitutionality of Obamacare. That is a coherent argument. But to criticize the features of Obamacare which are identical to Romneycare on their merits, without the whole 10th Amendment issue in the discussion, is patently ridiculous.

Romney is running against the substance of Obamacare: government takeover, won’t reduce costs, etc. link. That is obviously an unsupportable and dishonest opinion, to support the substance of his plan but object to the substance of Obama’s plan, completely setting aside the Constitutional issue.

That would describe any third-party candidate who sucks up a vote that would otherwise go to Romney, so feel free to pick one at random. :smiley:

Here’s a video of him going into the differences. He gets into what you asked for at about :50.