Rush: Subdivisions

I kind of like Countdown. As for the worst, they have a lot of dogs, but, IIRC their worst is Kid Gloves. Maybe Analog Kid, IMHO.

My vote for worst Rush song has to be Virtuality from Test for Echo, which includes these deathless lyrics:

Net boy, net girl
Send your impulse 'round the world
Put your message in a modem
And throw it in the cyber sea

People who aren’t used to using computers were so cute back in the '90s when they tried to use the “lingo”…but seriously, Neil, what were you thinking? :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, you’ve included two of my favorites in your list of dogs. For me, if we’re sticking to the 70s and 80s, I’d go with Tears, Something for Nothing , or maybe Madrigal.

Oh, are we sticking to 70s and 80s? If so, I vote for everything from their first (pre-Neil Peart) album.

Yeah, that album just plods along, doesn’t it? Even the single “Working Man” is like audio sandpaper to the ears. Ye gods that early 1970’s heavy riff for the chorus…DUHN-duhn-DUHN-duhn-DUHN-duhn-DUHN-duhn…unlistenable.

I am going to have to second this. It’s hard enough to get my family to like anything Rush, but when this comes on thru the rotation on a road trip, I do have to FFWD to the next song.

You wanna have some real fun? Go back and listen to* Best I Can* and just try to deny you air-guitar’d.