Russian military's use of Lignostone

No, we’re debating the facts regarding a specific claim, which is that Russia has begun building their weapon systems using a product that can be burned as a fuel. The biblical prophesy has no bearing on whether Russia is currently undertaking this. Let’s simply focus on finding the facts regarding this claim, which is, whether Russia has begun building weapon systems using this specific material.

What’s your point?

The problem with your statement is that the prophesies were made prior to coming true. Pointing it out after the fact does not dilute the statistical probability of the prophesy coming true.

And after that a brilliant scientist will turn us all into Daleks!

I don’t know anything about Lignostone, but Magog is in Quebec, not Russia.

I dont know ‘bout no Bible or Ezekiel or nothin’, but I can think of few long-chain polymers I wish to be near while they burn. Think Trabant.

Although I expect to be Raptured before it would matter.

Why are we doing that?

I know you were probably joking earlier but I didn’t see an lol or j/k, so that’s why I’m posting a response.

Ancient writings and maps have been found that showed Magog as the area currently known as Russia, so they aren’t theorizing which nations are which at this point. It’s simply a matter of the Unions occurring between Russia, Turkey, Persia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Syria and the peace treaty beinged signed, if that specific bible prophesy turns out to be true as well. The peace treaty should be no problem once Russia conquers those nations and exercises control over them.

Because the OP asked the question, and I’ve heard a similar claim. I was looking for the same answer as him, which is whether there is any accuracy to it at all.

Not really. The trouble with the prophecies is that they never give a date. It is trivial to make some vague statement that (for instance) entity X will go to war with entity Y. Sometime in the next couple of thousand years it is very likely that you can come up with enough of a match in history that someone will say - “see - this is prophecy Z”. The hundreds of thousands of unprophesied events don’t ever seem to count.

You could play a simple game. Sit around a table and make up prophesies, but without dates. (Alcohol might be a good addition here.) Next day, go back and see if you can match up your prophesies to events in the last 2000 years of world history. I bet you could make the vast majority fit, at least fit as well as any of the claimed correct biblical prophesies.

Right! I can think of a few energetic materials inside of American warheads and rockets that can be used as a fuel source, I’m sure there are probably plenty in Russian gear too.

I was going to post a lengthy reply but I figured the facts are easily available to anyone willing to look for them and anyone with an open mind enough to read the prophesies and judge for themselves. Here’s a link. A simple Google search will provide loads of evidence and reference to the prophesy. Here’s the link: 10 Bible prophecies fulfilled recently

If you are not willing to investigate for yourself and consider, then nothing I say will change that here.

OK, so what’s the Bible’s hit percentage? How many Biblical prophecies are there, and how many have come true?

BTW: One of the prophecies on that site is that trees will grow in Israel again. Gee, they really went out on a limb on that one, let me tell you…

Matching prophecies with outcomes that already happened is easy and demonstrates nothing more than the creativity of the human brain when it comes to coercing data. People have retrofit Nostradamus’ writings to events after those events unfolded.

To the extent that prophecy can have meaningfully scored a ‘hit’, it would have to be recognisably interpreted before the prognosticated event - and the ‘hit rate’ would be the percentage of those predictions that came true.

So… how many cases have you got where scholars pointed out a prophecy in the Bible before it happened, and then it happened in exactly the way predicted?

Going back to the OP’s original question: “Has anyone any concrete info on Russian use of Lignostone?”

The answer seems to have been no for the past eleven years:

anyway why the obsession with lignostone? All kinds of things that are classified as weapons will burn in the right conditions. AFAIK you can even put depleted uranium into a breeder reactor and get useful fuel out of it. So maybe Russia will dump all its DU ammo and armour on Israel and they’ll reprocess that into nuclear fuel and burn it for seven years. Makes just as much sense as anything else in revelations. Eg not much at all !

“And there shall in that time be rumours of things going astray, and there will be a great confusion as to where things really are, and nobody will really know where lieth those little things with the sort of raffia work base, that has an attachment…at this time, a friend shall lose his friends’s hammer and the young shall not know where lieth the things possessed by their fathers that their fathers put there only just the night before around eight o’clock.”

The whole thing is moronic. “Lignostone” is just wood stabilized with epoxy. I have a couple of rifle stocks made from it.

Most biblical/ancient “prophesies” are so hilariously vague and non-specific that they can be contorted to fit pretty much any modern phenomenon. Just like Nostradamus, there were people in the '90s who really believed that Bill Clinton was the third Antichrist after Napoleon and Hitler. Human beings are excellent at recognizing patterns , to the point where we see them even if they don’t exist. Like the “notable deaths always happen in threes” nonsense. No they don’t; we just group them into threes because of that stupid saying.

AKA Pakkawood, Staminawood, Colorwood, Dymondwood, and compreg . . . and I’d bet my left nut they too are getting their raw blanks from Rutland Plywood!

CMC fnord!

The bibles hit percentage so far is 100%. The reason that trees growing again in Jerusalem is significant is because for years Jerusalem was a waste land and no matter what anyone did to try to grow things there it failed. There are historical accounts of Mark Twain and several others which visited Jerusalem and even talked about how absolutely desolate the area was and how unable it was to support growth. When Israel moved back to Jerusalem they dug culverts and redirected water from the Sea to the area. They also found an unknown brackish water aquifer underground below Jerusalem. This is very significant because normally salt and brackish water is lethal to most inland vegetation, in particular, vegetation that is used to produce crops. However, the soil composition in Israel is extremely unique and its the only place on the Earth that we currently know of that creates a situation where salt and brackish water unlocks nutrients in the right way to not only make vegetation growth possible, but also produce fruits that are MUCH sweeter than anywhere else. The prophecy also predicts that the desert will bloom with flowers. Israel now has a large ornamental flower export that previously has been impossible due to the soil composition.

The Bible has a LOT of very precise predictions in it that have so far been 100% accurate. If you honestly want to prove this true (or false) for yourself you can do the REAL research and digging to pull up the facts, but if you don’t, well that’s just another prophesy coming true.

2 Thessalonians 2
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

If you want a TRULY scientific analysis of the accuracy of the bible and its prophesies, look up Chuck Missler Bible In 24 Hours on YouTube. All it will cost is your time and humility.