Same Tired Bullshit - Part Two (GD)

At least I can count on you, 'luc. You’re a true friend.

I am her true friend. Could be yours as well, its kinda up to you. As it stands, your behavior and attitude indicate that you already have too many.

Or, perhaps they get their ass handed to them on a plate and decide to cut and run.

Oh, yeah, that’s our Stoid all right, delicate flower that she is, she shrivels at the first sign of opposition!

You should live so long, bubeleh.

Perhpas she just wanted us to “talk amongst ourselves”. Or, maybe she just became verklempt, but it was a *meshuga *thread to begin with, if you ask me.

Bubeleh, my ass!

Well, I guess we’ll see soon enough. When I opened this thread, she’d just replied to the one immediately below it. So it’s not like she doesn’t know its here. You think she’ll respond? As I recall, when people call her out in the Pit, she ignores them and thinks that gives her the moral high ground. Cowardice is what I’d call it, at least insofar as that word can have any meaning on an anonymous internet message board.

But, hey, I can’t even remember how long its been since I bothered to interact with her directly. Maybe she’s grown a pair since then.

Unless she does a vanity search, she might have no idea that she is being Pitted. If you really want her to respond, put her name in the thread title or send her an email.

That said, I hate the behavior mentioned in the OP too. Many posters are famous for it. They post a topic and then we’re supposed to entertain them.


I really don’t care if she responds here, or not, but I have little doubt that she’s aware of the presence of this thread. Despite the impression some may (understandably) have, I’m not particularly concerned with Stoid’s posting habits as an individual; I’m more concerned with the proliferation of similar behavior and wanna post a public notice that this type of behavior is vexing. Anyway, I posted a link to it in her GD thread that I’m complaining about, so if she ever deigns to return to her topic, she’d know this is here. But like I said, I don’t really give a damn about her habits individually.

And re-visiting Stoid’s GD thread, we find an admission that she is well aware of this Pit thread. And lets us know that rather than either: a) engage her topic substantively, or b) come here and answer for her trollish behavior, she’s found an even lower road that’s more to her liking. Her participation is now limited exclusively to a personal taunt directed at myself, and a couched admission of trollery.


Present evidence would indicate otherwise.

Name them? Pit them? Or better still, STFU about it?

Looks from here you seek to vent your personal hostility and then drape the noble mantle of Board etiquette around it. If this is a violation of form, it appears that it is of such a minor nature that none of the Cherubim have felt moved to engage the matter.

Right. Present. Before I found the little taunt she’d posted in GD, other conditions applied.

Notably, the title of this thread includes the phrase, “Part Two.” Equally notable, is the link in the OP to Part One. So that leaves only your third option unsatisfied. And I rather think I’ll allow it go unsatisfied.

Or perhaps you’re just not in possession of all the facts. Which I can state with certainty, you are not.