Sanders is not really a socialist

Capitalist and capitalist means capitalist and Koch-brothers level sociopathic scum.

People are calling Sanders both Democratic Socialist and a Social Democrat in this thread. They are two different things.

Well, he’s been calling himself “socialist” for his whole public career, and I suspect he’s too old to change.

From Wikipedia: The difference between the two is that modern social democrats support practical reforms to capitalism as an end in itself whereas democratic socialists ultimately want to go beyond social democratic reforms and advocate systemic transformation of the economy from capitalism to socialism.

He sounds like a Social Democrat to me. I wish he hadn’t labeled himself as a socialist and just laid out his policies but someone would’ve called him a socialist anyway, so I guess it’s good that he’s owning it and trying to explain what he means by it.

Awhile back in one of his speeches he said we already have socialism for the rich, when we did the bailouts for the banks in 2008. He wants the government to care about the rest of us, the 99%. I’ve already heard Mitch McConnell say the US can’t afford to pay for “entitlements” like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and social safety nets like food stamps, CHIP, etc. This is the Socialism Bernie is fighting for. In countries like Finland, Norway and Sweden they have government paid health care for all, free college tuition, and no one going bankrupt over medical debt.

Interesting article - Bernie Sanders Is Right — We’re All ‘Socialists’ Now - The Art of the New Deal

Which, again, is why his branding doesn’t make sense. He is a democratic socialist who isn’t a socialist, isn’t a Democrat, and isn’t a democratic socialist.

Unless he does want to go beyond and transform the economy into socialism (presumably democratically). Then he would be a socialist, like he says he is, and all this would make sense.

I see no reason not to take him at his word. He is a democratic socialist. He wants to use the democratic process to change the economy to socialism.

I can understand why his followers would be afraid to own this, but he doesn’t seem to be.


I’ve read his platform. He does not propose nationalizing the means of production.

And George W. Bush was a compassionate conservative, which means he wanted to maintain the status quo using hugs. :dubious:

