SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Mask Effectiveness (Factual)

Correct - I meant that the aerosols that contain the virus haven’t gotten any smaller but worded it inaccurately. So in that sense, the masks are no less protective. But with the delta variant, there is potentially more virus being shed whenever those droplets or aerosols are released. The virulence of the Delta variant makes both vaccines and masks less effective relative to the previous variants. Still, we’re absolutely better off with both vaccines and masks because these are layers of protection that can make the virus less severe. The data, both statistical and anecdotal, are beginning to show a clear pattern, which is that breakthrough infections are much more likely but that the vaccines are doing a pretty good job of beating the virus back once infected – and that is the value of the vaccine. Masking could also be the difference between not getting the virus at all or getting much less of it. I just worry we may not be so lucky with the next variant of concern.