SCOTUS's decision on The Health Care Law 6/28/12

Yeah, I didn’t see it coming either. SCOTUS has spoken. So mote it be.

Who is Kolak of Twilo and why does he need advice from me?

Man I can’t wait for Democrats in tight Senate races to twist themselves in knots trying to explain how they will vote if Romney should win the election and wants to repeal sections of the ACA.

Well, as I pointed before, this was indeed the last chance for private industry to have a go at demonstrating they can do as good a job as most governments do in most of the developed world.

Roberts did indeed vote to help the corporations, and as person that is on the left of this I can tell you that I do not like it much, I rather have a public option or single payer with no middle man. But as I see that some countries that have health care for virtually all citizens do use a combination of private and government systems to make it work, I then accept this decision with reservations, as a historian in training I see it as just one step to better systems in the future.

No, I just think he doesn’t want his Court to be known as the one that made a major ruling to strike down a law under flimsy pretenses. I expect Scalia, Alito, and Thomas to reflexively vote for Republican/corporate interests. That Roberts rose above it is to his credit. For a lesser case, he might have been less willing to listen to that little Roberts on his shoulder that wears a halo as opposed to the one with horns.

Back in 2005, I started a thread entitled “Judge John Roberts: Partisan Hack

I was genuinely surprised to see him rule as he did today. I apologize. Partisan hack is not an appropriate label for Chief Justice Roberts. He may yet still be in the service of his corporate masters though. I’ve recently come to the conclusion that both parties are beholden to their corporate masters. Republicans are approximately 100% beholden. The Democrats are probably 75% beholden. That’s why I’m voting for the Green Party this year.

That interpretation seems to be the current consensus on the Freep.

Given that they feel so strongly about it, I heartily encourage the House GOP to begin impeachment proceedings against Roberts immediately, and the Senate to remove him from the bench ASAP. We should be able to wrap this up by the end of the year!

Let’s end the discussion of who should be apologizing for taking shots at whom.

Me too. Hopefully they can come up with a robust defense of limiting insurance company abuses and covering millions of sick people. And hopefully this forces the GOP to come up with a plan other than “repeal Obamacare”. Then the voters can decide which plan they like better.

Isn’t democracy great?

As would Justice Bright. In fact…

Ok. Agreed elections would/could stop this, but when we have a large section of the nation consisting of ignorant constituents who just vote per party lines or single issues, and the vast majority of members of Congress are RE-elected cycle after cycle, would this really be stopped?

In the end, a lot of the problems we have are not getting solved with the mess we have in Congress now. I joined the Dope so I could be informed, and (pat on the back to many members of this board) have had my ignorance fought, but let’s be honest here - do we really believe elections will stop this crap from happening?

Lobbyists and Corporate PACs are flooding Washington for what they want, and in that light, it seems (to me) that a law like this could be passed now, regardless of elections.

The Constitution isn’t a panacea for all the bad things we’d like to prevent, or all the good things we’d like to do. The same thing that keeps same-sex marriage prohibited in most places keeps le people free from government-imposed broccoli taxes. Sucks, but that’s how this whole democracy thing works.

Missed edit window, I see what you’re talking about now. I can’t speak for KoT, but I took his comment as a literal expectation of future events. I don’t expect to be sitting here tomorrow stroking my beard saying “Ha! Those inconsistent tea partiers aren’t going after Roberts!” Because I think they’ll fall on him like a pack of mad ferrets.

Just to review:

I’m pretty disappointed in the outcome. I guess my taxes are going up, because I refuse to buy something I don’t want.

You don’t have health insurance? Don’t be a freeloader.

A freeloader? I beg to differ. If I get sick and go to the doctor, I pay the full fees. Now you know and you’re welcome.

BTW> Obama’s a flat out liar. Glad to see you didn’t even try to deny it.

Maybe, depending on how much you make and whether your employer provides coverage. On the other hand, if you’re in the market for an individual policy the state-run exchanges should make a private policy more affordable, and you’ll receive a subsidy and/or tax credit depending on your income.

So it might be a net positive for you, unless you really just like the thrill of being uninsured.

The nice thing is that the rest of us won’t have to pay such high premiums to carry your injured derriere.

You’re welcome.

I have often made that charge. I’ll read the opinion and apologize if appropriate. I am stunned that Roberts was the swing vote in favor. I figured he’d jump on board if there were already five votes, but didn’t expect him to be the one to make it happen. There must be a partisan hack reason for his vote that I’m not seeing. :wink:

This is only true if you are very wealthy. Which you may be for all I know.