SDMB RPG: Shadows of Arcady - Setup Thread

Have you got an introduction for him yet? I’m excited to see who I’ll be swashing buckles with!

No, not yet :frowning: My character likes to buckle swashes too!

Dur’dan Ironbeard (Kalaz in the Dwarven Language) is 243 years old, making him an elder by Dwarven standards. He has long white hair in a single woven braid reaching down to his mid back. He also has a long beard that is woven into three braids that are tied into his belt that is specially designed to keep ‘Longbeards’ from tripping over themselves. Dur’dan stands at 4’7 tall which is slightly above average. He weighs 180 pounds which is also average for the stout race. Dur’dan has keen brown eyes and the ability to see in the dark like all other Dwarves.

Dur’dan is the fifth son of Kalaz patriarch Moziah. His older brothers Kulrill, Jax, Mirozad and (the eldest) To’talath are all ahead of him in line for succession. Still, Dur’dan has proven himself invaluable to his father and is the one typically given responsibility for overseeing the clan’s surface interests. He has a wife of his own, Sheia, originally of the ignoble clan Bezoa (Tanner), and two young children: A 20-year old (about 15 in human terms) daughter Linnica and a 12-year old (about 8 in human terms) son Bo’arad, all of whom live in the Kalaz compound in Goldhelm’s Gold District (the residency of most of Goldhelm’s nobles).

The Kalaz Clan once owned successful iron mines, however these mines are now depleting forcing the clan to invest in surface business ventures in an attempt to keep them afloat in these dark times. This too is a sinking ship as the realm is falling into darkness and chaos. The Kalaz Crest is of a Dwarven head with a long beard gripping a hammer pounding on an anvil. The crest is split horizontally in two colors, the top half is black, the bottom half is silver.

Good work, Rubberneck.

All primers have been sent out and I’ve set later today as a tentative date for posting the game thread. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.

The game thread has been posted.

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask in either of the threads. Good luck and I’ll see you all in-game.

Herp-a-derp, didn’t see the game thread was posted. Will post today soon.

I’ve made nifty Excel character sheets for everyone. If you’d like me to email yours to you just send me a PM.

Hey guys, sorry if my character’s moral code is confusing… To put it in D&D terms, he’s a Chaotic Neutral/Good Rogue, trying to act like a Paladin. Not because he necessarily agrees with the Paladin Code, but because his good friend was a Paladin, and he respects that. So I guess what I’m saying is, if you’re confused, so is John.

Errrr, I wasn’t confused, not yet at least. A, we’re not playing in a D20 system and B, we haven’t even had any combat yet. So I think you can relax ^^

Yeah, I know, I was using a morality analogy! Which confused things even more! Gah!

Even if we were playing D&D, a big piece of advice I offer my players is to never let alignment determine your character. Instead, let your character determine his alignment. Try not to think of things in terms of good vs evil or law vs chaos, instead think about your character’s life thus far and how that’s shaped him into the man, woman or lizard he is today.

Busy all day yesterday and will be half of today. Expect a few posts in 5-6 hours.

This is simply unacceptable! I bust my ass for you and you have to slow things down because you’re “busy?” Cry me a fucking river. Get that kawaii pocky-loving ass in the game thread before I get really upset.

Uh oh, who put gin in daddy’s coffee again?

Sometimes mommy and daddy fight. But it’s not because they don’t love each other.

That’s completely incidental.

walks away from this conversation very slowly as to not step on any toes… haha

The party has temporarily returned to Platinum Falls. This’ll probably be the last time in a while that new party members could be picked up before the group heads off to deal with the myriad of obstacles that await. If anyone has interest in signing on shoot me a PM.