SDMB Slob Reform Club - July Edition!

StinkyBurrito Whooooosh:)

Damnit, you got me! :stuck_out_tongue:
My very first whooshing. I’m so proud.

Well, I had about 2 hours to clean my house before my friends started to arrive last night after work. I didn’t clean anything particularly well (except the sink, it was shinin’), but I got the ENTIRE place looking pretty darn presentable. It’s been mentioned before, but I’ll mention it again. One great way to keep your place clean is to have people invite themselves over unexpectedly.

You were my very first whooshee, I’m even prouder

I so need slob reform. I had big plans to clean my garage the weekend before last but I got pneumonia instead and I’ve been too sick to do anything since. The whole time I was laying around with pneumonia thinking I might die I just kept thinking how embarrassing it would be for me if someone had to come into my home to take me to the hospital and see the mess. I’d still have been embarrassed if I were dead.

I really need to do something about this mess.

So, when I set fire to the blinds, do I need to use any particular brand of gasoline, or is no name okay?

With prices the way they are these days, any kind you can get is okay.

Phew. I thought I had a fairly free afternoon today, and decided that I really ought to do my duty and clean the bathrooms. So I got them cleared up, ready for scrubbing, and my mom called from the library, reminding me that there’s a marionette show this afternoon. I figured I should probably take the girls, so we loaded up and went, and it was nice.

So then we got home, and I started spraying and such, and my friend called; she wanted to drop by to play and talk about a couple of things. I got a few surfaces scrubbed before she arrived. We had a nice time talking; she’s about to move into my neighborhood from out-of-state, yay! (She moved away from here 3 years ago.)

So my husband got home, we fixed some dinner–and then I finally finished the bathrooms! I can now rejoice in clean tile and porcelain, and it only took me the whole freaking afternoon. And we’re due at our friends’ home for ice cream in 15 minutes…