SDMB Smoke-Free Club, October 2008

Pantheon - Free and Healing for Four Days, 22 Hours and 43 Minutes.

In about 77 minutes, I’ll have five full days and starting day day six.

It’s been a long time since I went this long without ‘cheating’ at all.

How are all the other recent quitters doing? Hanging in there, I hope!

Thank you! It’s been nine days now and he hasn’t slipped a single time. He’s grumbling about it, but overall I think he’s in a better mood than usual. Of course, we’ve been on vacation…so now the hard part is getting back into work and familiar surroundings.

I’m really surprised that he’s making it. That Chantix must be some good stuff.

Coming up on my one-year anniversary (Halloween). Woo!
How’s everyone doing?

Go go go, you guys! I’m ramping up for my big quit.

I did it before, cold turkey, and it wasn’t that bad once I quit. It was the thought of quitting that got me. I stayed smoke free for 6 months.

I think I’m ready again. Lord knows my lungs are…

I smoked my last cigarette oh May 4, 2008, so it’s been 5 months and just over 2 weeks. I took zyban, the other quit-smoking helper drug (it has fewer side effects than chantix), but stopped that towards the end of June.

I got sugar free candy and gum; that new 5 gum has a very good and long-lasting flavor to it. I also liked sugar free licorice (well come on now, I preferred the sugary kind … LOL). I really needed something to keep my hands busy, though, and took up crocheting. I went bezerk at first, and made a whole lot of scarves, but now I’ve slowed down some and am working on a couple of afghans.

The scary thing, though, is that I don’t mind the smell of smoke at all … in fact, it still smells good to me! I know I can’t have a cigarette ever again, because one will be my downfall. Sometimes, I admit, I do go outside and sniff the air where the smokers congregate. I have -not- smoked though.

Oh yes, I had smoked for over 30 years, over 2 packs a day, unfortunately. What 2woke me up was, well, waking up in the middle of the night, coughing, and being unable to stop coughing. That scared me, plus my brother (a heavier smoker than me even) had just quit, using chantix. I had always said that if he could quit, I could quit although I will admit that I certainly did not have much faith in myself. I was able to do it, though, and am glad that I did.