SDMB Tweaker 2 (includes avatar sliding option)

An all new forum means all new tweaks. I have a few I’ve been using for a while, and I asked if anyone wanted them, and got the go-ahead. I have a few more ideas planned, but I’ve been delayed long enough in posting this.

To install the UserScript, you’ll need to install TamperMonkey* for your web browser (if you haven’t already), then go the to following link and click the Install button.

:gear::paintbrush: SDMB Tweaker 2 – OpenUserJS

Adds some quality of life improvements to the Discourse powered version of the Straight Dope Message Board.

List of additions:

  1. Underlines links in posts.
  2. Indicates visited links in posts.
  3. Underlines all other links on hover (except in menus).
  4. Removes the space before the badge that shows number of clicks on a link.
  5. Makes small sans-serif MathJax use the same sans-serif font as posts.
  6. Ads an option to remove the sliding avatars. (Go to your User Preferences > Interface to turn them back on.)

On the Straight Dope Light theme I also

  1. Change the link color to be brighter to better contrast with the regular text.
  2. Change the visited color above to the purple you may be used to.

I can add such features to other themes, but I’ll need suggestions from those who use them. I’m open to making certain specific tweaks optional. And I’m open to suggestions on what else I can tweak—though note that many changes are more complicated on Discourse than they were on the simpler vBulletin, and so I may be more limited in what I can reasonably do.

*GreaseMonkey should also work if you have it, but it hasn’t been tested.

Optional italics (or something?) instead of bold for unread topics threads?
Last 'puter and my 46" monitor? Fine. New 'puter, same motitor? Can’t tell the difference. Very annoying!
SD Light

Interesting idea. I have a possible tweak that I’ll add if it works for you:

Open up a page with thread titles on it, e.g. [u][/u]. Then press F12 to open the console. Make sure the Console tab is selected. And then copy and paste the following into the console:

document.querySelectorAll('.topic-list .main-link a.title').forEach(e=> = 'bold');
document.querySelectorAll('.visited .main-link a.title').forEach(e=> = 'normal')

What you describe is exactly why I started underlining links and making them brighter. I and other posters have clearly not noticed links. (It’s why I always underline them.)

Made thread titles bolder but after I want to the thread and then back to Cafe Society everything was the back to not being bold (which I think is what was supposed to happen?).

Yes. It was just a test. Stuff you type in the console disappears if you go to a new page or reload.

What I was wondering is if that is a good solution for you, or if I should try something else.

It worked, that’s all I need it to do!

Should be live now. You’ll need to go to your Preferences > User Interface to turn it on.