Secret Rooms in your house

It’s been posted here before but if you like the secret passage thing and you happen to be in Milwaukee check out The Safe House.
It’s a spy themed bar. The entrance doesn’t even look like a bar but is a door on a brick wall that says “International Exports, LTD.” Go in the door and you’ll be in a small reception room no larger than 6’ x 6’ with a woman at a desk. She asks for the password and if you don’t know it are asked to perform a stunt. Once your party is okayed she hits a hidden button and the bookcase pops open. Follow the darkened path to the bar.
A fun way to leave the bar is to go into the phone booth located in the center of the bar. Close the door and type the correct code on the phone and a sliding panel will open leading down concrete steps, through a tunnel, and dumps you into the back alleyway.

There is a secret panel in my bedroom and a huge unfinished unheated room behind it. Legally it can’t be used for anything but storage, so I have stored all my second bedroom things in it.

That is so dramatic! I would have liked it better if they would have interrogated you under a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling…and a couple guys in fedoras makin’ you sweat.

I think the BIL said things like, “You don’t say!” and “Really!” I’d have just freekin’ died on the spot. Way too awkward.