Serbs, Croatians and Bosnians

Specifically referring to Shtokavian, Kajkavian, and Chakavian. Slovenian is the most “unique” Yugoslav language as Macedonians, when the title isn’t claimed by Greeks, speak what is mostly Bulgarian. But like Romanian/Moldovan, don’t tell them that.

And Niko Bellić, it is implied.

When that region is on the news here Republika Srpska is rarely, if ever, mentioned. I only knew of its existence from Wikipedia.

In English, the Serb Republic, not to be confused with the Republic of Serbia. :dubious: And Bosnia & Herzegovina has two names, but it’s one part…

Not that I expect the news to get the names right. As far as they’re concerned, the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville/French Congo/the safer one) doesn’t even exist.

Which, incidentally, is a reason for much of the fighting : the Croats and Bosniaks stole all of the Serbs’ vowels.

(this is not intended as a factual answer)

Well, there is a vowel shortage in Croatia, too. See: the island of Krk. (Technically, the “r” is performing vowel- like duties there.) I remember an Onion article back in the mid 90s that had to do with the vowel shortage.

The city of Trieste in Italy, with lots of Slovene influence, is in that language and Serbo-Croatian Trst (or Трст).

It seems Finland or Estonia could ship in some of their surplus vowels to help the shortage.

I do see reports about Congo-Brazzaville but then I’m apt to watch France 24 when I can’t sleep.

We have to go north in our Slavic languages a bit, but there is also the famous Czech tongue twister: Strč prst skrz krk. (“Stick [your] finger through [your] throat.”)