Shakespeare's Plays and Repetitiveness--Plus What's the Big Deal?

We have mountains that have snow on them in August. Stay east of where you can see those and you should be fine.

I thought it meant to suck phlegm into your throat and spit it out. That the people were spitting snot on each other during the play. Hock a loogie.

I always thought that you hawk a loogie. says “hawk” is the correct verb for loogies.

Urban Dictionary says both are correct.

You are correct, I was confusing my Burbages.

True, most sources say both are correct, in the sense that both are used. (What’s “correct” in slang is a slippery concept.)

But Google gives 6,870 results for “hawk a loogie” and 60,100 for “hock a loogie.” Similarly, it shows 42 results for “hawk a loogey” but 2,520 for “hock a loogey.”

When I search “hawking”, I get links on coughing. When I search “hooking” I get links on hockey, fishing, and prostitution.

Ive always wondered if marc antony was the pompous little shit in real life that he was portrayed as in Julius Caesar

Here’s the master’s column on Shakespeare: What’s so great about Shakespeare? - The Straight Dope

A brief thing from Bill Bryson’s book on Shakespeare (the one way he didn’t spell his name) on how no one sets scenes as brilliantly and concisely. The opening scene of Hamlet

Barnardo: Who’s there?
Francisco: Nay, answer me. Stand, and unfold yourself.
Barnardo: Long live the King!
Francisco: Barnardo?
Barnardo: He.

Five lines, 15 words, 11 of them monosyllabes Shakespeare establishes it is nighttime and cold (“unfold yourself “ means “draw back your cloak), the men are soldiers on guard and there is tension.