Shampoo for oily, thick hair?

Prell and Neutrogena Anti-Residue. That’ll get your scalp nice 'n dry.

This can’t be stressed enough. I’m cringing at some of the answers here!

Your scalp (and rest of your skin) will over-produce oil when they get dried out. And your scalp will get dried out if you wash too often or with too harsh a shampoo (if your shampoo has sodium lauryl sulfate in it, it is too harsh – you do not need dish detergent on your hair; your hair is not a pan in which you’ve cooked bacon).

You get locked into a vicious cycle – your hair is oily, you use harsh detergents to cut the oil, your hair gets oilier.

Do the opposite. Switch to a gentler shampoo (Burt’s Bees is indeed good) and wash less (yes, less! not more!) often – every other day if you currently do it every day, or every two days, etc.

Your hair will go through an adjustment period of increased oiliness for a while (could be a few weeks) before settling down the oil production, but it will settle down.

And Prell is terrible for your hair! See Shampoo ingredients to avoid

Pro-tip: if a shampoo is able to strip the dyed color from your hair, it’s too harsh for daily use.

Well, I’ll tell my SO. Remember, I don’t need to worry about a thing - I use Pantene Pro-V. I have thin curly hair, which dries out and frizzes if i don’t use the right shampoo + the right hair gel. So I have the opposite problem.

Isn’t it great being a couple? :smiley:

Oops, I meant “you” in a general sense, not you you. :slight_smile:

I agree with some of the folks above on the washing makes hair more oily. I have shoulder length, thick (used to be oily) hair. Got rid of shampoo about a year ago and haven’t looked back. I wash about two to three times per week with a mixture of baking soda and almost hot water, then use conditioner and/or detangler…only apply the mixture to the scalp (as it rinses down, it will clean the ends of the hair). I was just at the salon the other day and my hairdresser (for eight years now) still cannot believe I haven’t used shampoo for a year. She says my hair is incredibly healthy. And it is NEVER oily any more.

20something male here with oily hair. After reading a bunch of threads on here, I decided to go with conditioner only. It works great but takes 3 squirts to completely cover my hair.

I have thick hair and use Pantene as well. I think Pantene’s just all around an awesome 'poo.

As an addendum, I just picked up a boar-hair brush and it’s really good at redistributing the oils from your scalp to the rest of your hair. If you have perpetually oily roots and dry ends (like I do, it happens to a lot of people with longer hair) try picking up one of those. I am trying to get my hair used to being washed every other day, and the brush really helps my hair not look greazy on day 2.