Share your profession's jargon

My last job was all acronyms. We had our own jargon and this is some of what I remember but there were so many more!

Splice mate- Connecting Two Fibers
PK’S- Photon Kinetics
OTDR’S- Optical Time Domain Refractometer
CD- Chromatic Dispersion
IR- Insulation Resistance
HV- High Voltage
PMD- Polarized Mode Dispersion
MM- Multi Mode fiber
SM- Single Mode Fiber
DBL- Decibel Loss
KV- Kilo Volt
DW- Dialectic Withstanding
DB- Dielectric Breakdown
OFN - Optical Fiber Network
FOAS- Fiber Optic Acoustic Sensor
FL-Fault Location
VOL- Verification of length.

Teacher here.

ELL-- English Language Learner. When I first started teaching, it was LEP–Limited English Proficient.
EO-- English Only.
RSP–Ah, crap, I forget. Wait–I think it’s Resource Specialist Program. It’s a form of special education where a child needs to be removed from mainstream class (most often language arts, then math) for a period or two of support from the RSP teacher.
SDC–Special Day Class–another form of special education where the student is in a self-contained classroom receiving assistance in all subjects.
IEP–Individual Education Plan, for all special education students.
SLPC–Student Led Parent Conferences
ELD–English Language Development. Used to be ESL–English as a Second Language.
AVID–Advancement Via Individual Determination. It’s an elective designed to help students from non-college families get into a 4-year university.
SST–Student Study Team. This is when parent, child, teacher, administration, and other relevant folk gather to work on an identified problem in a child. Can be behavior or academic.
SARB–Student Attendance (or Action, I don’t remember) Review Board–Basically, for kids who are chronically tardy. Can ultimately get their parents in a heap o’ trouble–if you’re SARBed, get your shit together or face the legal consequences.

Videogame designer here.

Triple-A – A big-budget game. Strangely enough, there aren’t any double-A, single-A, B, or C games. Non-triple-A games are called casual, budget, or indie.

First Party – A game funded by the manufacturer of a gaming system.

Third Party – A game funded by anyone else.

IP – Intellectual property. Licensed titles are made using someone else’s IP. If a title is a big hit, it may become IP in its own right, allowing you to make money by licensing it to other people.

**Mechanic **-- An element of gameplay. It’s more than a rule – it’s the way a collection of rules work together to create a particular effect.

Cadence – The demands that the game puts on the player from moment-to-moment. It’s a like an interactive form of pacing.

Progression – How the game changes over time. How does the character get stronger, how do the challenges get tougher, what new skills does the player have to learn? That’s progression.

Asset – Content that’s not software. Art, music, animation, sound, dialog, text – they’re all assets.

Rigging – Attaching animation controls to an art asset.

Art Pipeline – The step-by-step process by which art assets are produced assembly-line fashion. On triple-A game half a dozen artists might touch an asset before it’s ready to put in the game.

**Gray box **-- An early version of the game with simple geometric shapes in place of the real art assets. It’s used to test gameplay while the real art is working its way through the pipeline.

**HUD **-- Head’s up display. Elements of the user interface that are visible while you’re playing the game.

Loc DB – Localization database. The master file that holds all the assets that need to be translated to sell the game in a foreign territory.

Format – The manufacturing process.

“It was a budget third-party title using licensed IP, so of course their targeting mechanic was shit. And their pipeline was completely broken – half their assets were still gray box a month before format. It’s amazing they shipped at all.”

I’m in Cosmetology school, and we don’t use many acronyms, but we use some interesting jargon.

ATG- Ammonium Thioglycolate. The active ingredient in alkaline perms. Unlike glyceryl monothioglycolate, which is the active ingredient in acid/acid balanced perms. Otherwise known as GMT. We have to be able to identify these ingredients as not all boxes clearly label themselves as “alkaline” or “acid balanced”

Hot roots- The heat of your head causes color to lift faster, creating lighter roots compared to the length of the hair.

Lift- how light the particular formula can make your hair. Lift is measured in levels, from 1-10. 1 being the darkest. For example, if you are working with level 6 hair (light brown) and you want to go to level 8 (medium blond-ish) you need a formula capable of two levels of lift.

Porosity- The amount of moisture or solution hair can soak up. Hair that has been treated with chemicals many times is often referred to as “over-porous” or “overprocessed”. This affects how hair will react to further chemical treatments.

There are more, but those are the most common.

Missed the edit window but I thought of more.
Slut streaks, stripper streaks- We use this one quietly around here. (It’s probably region specific.) but that’s what we call hair that’s highlighted an unnaturally light shade of blond compared to very dark hair. The technique used often results in very chunky streaks of platinum blond. Like this or this.

Cheetah spots, Tiger Stripes- When a highlighting mistake results in a spot or stripe of color on the head where one is not supposed to be. Usually caused by improper foiling.

Thought of some more…

QAR= Quiet, alert, responsive.

SID, BID, TID, QID= Once a day, twice a day, three times per day, four times per day. How many times a med has to be given/animal walked outside/fed/something else done with it during the day.

HBC= Hit by car.

Pink juice= euthanasia solution.

Then there are also the words used in other fields, such as animal sciences and zoology, to describe animal body parts/functions. And the same medical terms human doctors use.

What does the pink juice consist of? Just curious?

Totally stealing “wack evac”!!

Do you CFU (Check For Understanding) as well?

The joke among my teacher friends is for one of them to ask the consultant at one of the training sessions if “Is it okay if we FUC (For Understanding, Check) instead?”

Prosecuting attorney in Texas. Here are two fun ones off the top of my head:

“The Big Bitch” - a possible sentence of 25 years to 99 years or life in the penitentiary. Usage: “This is his third felony, so he’s looking at the Big Bitch.”

“The needle” - a death sentence. “I offered him 40 years, but he wanted a jury trial, and they gave him the needle.”

Barbiturate solutions… Namely, pentobarbital.

It may be different in the US, but here we are required to let the clients read their pets’ records if asked. I know of one vet who got into trouble for putting DBTO on a dog’s records. The dog was later referred to a specialist, who helpfully explained to the client that it means Dog Brighter Than Owner.

Others to avoid are

TFBUNDY - totally f*cked but unfortunately not dead yet
DBWLD - dead but won’t lie down

Thanks Karl! The pink juice of death. I saw it done with a combination of Morphine and Lorazepam with a client of mine. I didn’t know they were euthanizing him but the hospital called me and said he wanted to see me. They gave us a few minutes and then the nurse came in and gave him the shots. He passed away in a minute or two.

Ruffian that was funny… :wink:

If you’re talking about euthanizing humans, they use different drug cocktails than those used for animals. Depending on the practice (and at least it was the way I was taught), they sedate/anesthesize the animal before giving the “pink juice”.

BTW, “pink juice” is not the only thing we have that can kill an animal… It’s just the one formulated primarily for just that purpose.

The way I was taught in my ethics and jurisprudence class was… Nope, not a good idea to give the records to the owner willy-nilly. If the owner has moved/wants a referral/starts going to a different veterinarian, better to fax the records or mail the records to the next veterinarian and skip the owner.

That said, they stressed the fact that those records can be used in court, so they better be professional!

Some of the histories I get (when I’m lucky enough to get them) are scribbled notes. Other times they are the actual medical records. The former tends to have the above mentioned acronyms.

The private practice I worked at was happy to give owners copies of their horses’ records, so any wisecracks were kept out of the records. Even though I know that people can misunderstand things and blow them out of proportion, I’m still getting used to the idea of medical/veterinary records being this secret code to be kept out of the hands of the people paying for and relying on the diagnosis and procedures. I don’t know what the law here, is, though, and IANAVet, so I’m sure I will come to understand in time. :slight_smile:

There are whole multi-page lists devoted to medical abbreviations, both serious and sarcastic, so I’ll just add a few commonly used highlights:

  • Lido = lidocaine IV CRI
  • CRI = constant rate infusion, a drug or fluid that is given continuously at a certain
  • Triple drip = xylazine/ketamine/guaifenesin, a mixture used for maintenance of general anesthesia in horses for moderate-length (~1 hour) field procedures
  • WNL = Within Normal Limits or We Never Looked
  • DIC = Death Is Coming
  • FUO = Fever of Unknown Origin
  • NSE = NephroSplenic Entrapment, when the horse’s large colon gets flipped up and caught over the ligament between the left kidney and the spleen; sometimes treated with PE (phenylephrine) and exercise
  • DDFT and SDFT = deep and superficial digital flexor tendons. These are the long tendons that run along the back of a horse’s leg behind the cannon bone. They are under enormous strain and strains of the DDFT and SDFT are a common source of problems in sport horses. They, along with the suspensory apparatus, keep the horse’s fetlock (what people call the ankle but is analogous to the first knuckle in your hand) up off the ground.
  • DSLD = Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis, a chronic and poorly understood disease in which the fibers of the suspensory ligaments, which also support a horse’s fetlocks/ankles, start breaking down and weakening so that the leg is no longer properly supported; in late stages, the fetlock may actually touch the ground when the horse walks.
  • U/S = ultrasound
  • F/U = follow-up
  • PPN/TPN = partial/total parenteral (IV) nutrition
  • mat baby = equine neonate who is unable to stand on its own, usually due to severe sepsis or hypoxic insult to the brain during birth, which may cause the foal to be too weak/imbalanced to stand or nurse for several days (the latter is also known as dummy foal syndrome or hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy)

We use NQR (not quite right) more than ADR.

Theatre technician here. The terms that we have that seem to turn heads all have to do with masking. Depending on the day I might ask my crew to hang some blacks, germans, or legs.

Blacks is just a general term for our black velour masking.
Legs are blacks that are hung parallel to the proscenium (or Stage left to stage right) and germans are blacks hung perpendicular to the proscenium (up stage to downstage)
There is a poem about theatre terms that sums everything up nicely.

In is down, down is front
Out is up, up is back
Off is out, on is in,
And of course,
Right is left, left is right.
A drop shouldn’t and a
Block and fall does neither.
A prop doesn’t and
A cove has no water.
Tripping is OK.
A running crew rarely gets anywhere.
A purchase line will buy you nothing.
A trap will not catch anything.
A gridiron has nothing to do with football.
Strike is work. (In fact, lots of work)
And a green room, thank God, usually isn’t.
Now that you’re fully versed in theatrical terms,
Break a leg-but not really!
And theatres tend to name rooms. My theatre has a hobbit hole, purgatory, the void, and the secret room.

Agreed, and that’s the standard protocol, but in the UK, the Data Protection Act gives anyone the right to be informed about any personal data relating to themselves. This is interpreted to include pets’ medical records, sometimes including lab reports, radiographs etc.
Back to the OP:

NAD: nothing abnormal detected
TPR: temperature, pulse, respiration
DUDE: defaecating, urinating, drinking, eating
D+: diarrhoea
V+: vomiting
Dx: diagnosis
Sx: surgery
OOH: out of hours (i.e. this is going to be expensive)
#: fracture
PU/PD: polyuria/polydipsia
CRF: chronic renal failure
CHF: congestive heart failure
GDV: gastric dilation & volvulus (AKA “why, oh why, did this have to happen on MY night on duty??”)
LDA: left displaced abomasum
PD: pregnancy diagnosis
IVFT: intravenous fluid therapy
ABx: antibiotics
NSAIDs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
B&B: hospitalisation

and many, many more.

I laugh at work <records room> when the 611 desk yells out that she needs an Oral.
Doesn’t help that her work area has boxes labeled Oral and Cum.
I still don’t know what those papers really are, but…I’m childishly enjoying my ignorance.
That desk’ll be mine eventually…at which point, I’m sure the hell relabelling those boxes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gambling lingo could be it’s own language. Of those specific to employees:

RO: Request Off - Request time off.
Out/Option: A chance to leave work.
EO: Early Out/Option - To leave work unusually early.
Stuck: Depending on context, either you’re forced to work a longer shift than scheduled ("I’m stuck passed 9:00.), or a player is down (“He’s stuck $400.”)
CTR: Currency Transaction Report - Have to fill it out in case of $10,000 transactions.
GC: Gambling Comission
TI: Table Inventory - Counting the number and value of cheques in a table’s tray.
Fill: Putting money into the tray.
Credit: Taking money out of the tray.
Push: Rotating from table to table. During play, it’s a tie.
String: The number of tables between breaks.
Gank: This is a personal one I use. When you take a bet you shouldn’t have.