Shooting wolves from planes. Yes or no?

Only if the wolves get to shoot back…

Seriously, if you haven’t got the stones to go mano a zampa, where’s the glory anyway?

I am so totally stealing this! (as CLAK)

Luke Skywalker used to bullseye womp-rats in his T-16 back home. It was kinda implied that he did it for fun, too, along the lines of shooting frogs with an air rifle.

Thank you for stating my position so well.

I’ve never been to Alaska but I have a hard time imagining that the largest yet most sparsely populated state is so infested with wolves that the hunters can’t find enough game.
I wonder if the shooting is carried out by fish and game professionals or is this a for profit thing where people pay to be flown out for a wolf shoot.
Anyone know?

Eh, just re-read the article, sounds like they are encouraging “citizens” to do the shooting but I still wonder if this is a for profit deal beyond the bounty.

Womp rats are an introduced species on Tattooine and a very real threat to humans. Not a month goes by without someone being mauled by a womp rat. Wolf attacks on humans are very rare.


I don’t like hunting, I don’t see the point, and I like wolves.

I’m really disliking and fearing Ms. Palin more every day.

I’m not a Palin fan, but I can’t get behind your comment on this one. Like any executive, she makes decisions based primarily on what her employees tell her, in this case, the Fish and Game Commission. The people that bear watching (and also watch bears–HA!) are the people serving on the commission.

I’m against it.

And while we’re on the subject, let me put in a plug for one of my favorite books, Never Cry Wolf, by Farley Mowat, which is about a thousand times better than the movie was.

<checks thread location>

Yep, IMHO.

I don’t like her. I have seen very few pictures where she isn’t holding a gun or surrounded by trophy kills. A bit one-sided, IMO.

Is this an IMHO poll, or a GD topic?

My vote is no.

Shooting wolves from planes is stupid, not sporting in the least, and the State of Alaska’s understanding of the function of predators in a natural ecosystem is seriously, seriously screwed up.

IMHO poll. I was curious to see if others had more info plus wondering if my dislike for Palin was making me see this as worse than it is. I definitely didn’t research this to the point where I’d put it in GD.

Shooting wolves from airplanes is disgusting, horrific and totally unsportsmanlike.

Now, shooting walruses from helicopters - that is badass.

I don’t know, I’d like to see what it’s like trying to hit a dog sized target from a moving airplane. I’ll bet it’s challenging as hell. That’s just the shooter in me.

That’s why they should use cluster bombs.

If I may add some fact…

*There are no scientists on the Alaska Fish and Game Commission.

  • 100% of its members are made up of appointees. And in America, we Know what experience appointees have. (“Hey Brownie! Nice horse show. Need a job?”)

*All of these Appointees serve at the pleasure of… you guessed it: the Governor of Alaska. A Governor who actively supports this policy and who has a nasty habit of firing/trying to fire Anyone in her state government who disagrees with or displeases her.

The Governor pointing to them as support for her policy is at best circular logic.

Why stop at wolves? Imagine all the things you’d be missing out on while looking for that next wolf!

Babies who scream for hours on airplanes, and the parents thereof, I’m lookin’ at you.

ETA: I would like to introduce this into evidence. Members of the jury, make of it what you will.

Really? This outfit doesn’t employ professional wildlife biologists? PLEASE! Do you know nothing about this sort of agency, or are you simply filled with hyperbole?

A dishonest reply. I stated, and am backed up by fact, that the board members of that Commission are Appointees. Who these Appointees employ under them is another matter, as I suppose is at whose pleasure these same Appointees serve & collect paychecks…

Um, cite?

Native Americans wore feathered headdresses so they could shoot wolves from the air when it was windy.