Should people with serious mental illnesses have the right to euthanasia?

Dammit. I thought this was a recent thread. Well, I’m going to post anyway. My opinion about this is always evolving. Maybe the next time this thread is resurrected, I’ll have done another 180.

I agree with AHunter. I think suicide is a right. Suffering is so personal that it doesn’t make sense for a person to have to justify their pain to others. One person’s “JUST SHAKE IT OFF!” is another person’s horror story. Some people have support networks to help them get through shit. Other people do not. Some people have a responsibility to live for others (dependents). Other people do not.

I like AHunter’s idea about applying for euthanasia and having a waiting period. If we were a compassionate society, the system would work something like this. To be allowed to euthanize, you must wait some considerable period of time, depending on circumstances. You must meet with a counselor over this time. They will not actively discourage you from committing suicide, but they will be there to help you cope with your problems during the waiting period. When the waiting period passes, you will be granted an official legal form that you can present to a physician certified in medically-assisted suicide. To discourage impulsive and risky suicides, unsuccessful attempters will still be involuntarily committed. But everyone–regardless of condition–can have access to humane end-of-life care, assuming they are willing to go through the necessary motions.

I don’t believe in any kind of legalised euthanasia.

Not for any religious, ethical or moral reasons, but because once its in place people could and would put pressure on sufferers to do it for whatever reasons.

With old people it would be the easiest thing in the world to make feel like they’re a burden on their children, or on society.

Hey you’re taking up a hospital bed that could be used for someone with their whole life ahead of them.

While I have to keep coming round here to look after you mum, I’m missing out on watching my own kids grew up/neglecting them/its causing problems with my job, etc.

So my answer is no.

Convince me that a person with a serious mental illness has the ability to rationally and intelligently make such a choice. I think at a minimum, such a choice should require a sound mind.

With that in mind, do you feel that a person of sound mind could make such a choice?

It’s not without problems, but overall, I would support a death with dignity option. If someone’s life is reduced to a hopeless existence of pain and suffering, without any possibility of recovery, then I would support a decision to end one’s life.

Um. Did eichelon01 just post a suicide note? Hard to parse this thing, but maybe someone should try and track down his local police department? Mods, any chance of that?

No. Putting aside the difficulties of dealing with message board posts, this person is not based in the U.S. to begin with. But I agree that you should seek help if you’re that depressed and upset, eichelon01. In the meantime I am closing this 2004 zombie thread. Anyone who is interested in the issue should start a new discussion.