Should Sen. Craig lose his job/committee posts for restroom cruising?

Just announced. Craig to resign.

Yeah, well, I guess he blew his chances at keeping a lid on this.

Even the Log Cabin Republicans are calling for Craig’s resignation!

That’s not very safe anymore. Just ask Rev. Haggard of Colorado – it was his gay escort who blew the whistle on him when he became incensed that this guy was a regular customer, but in public was attacking gay people.

Gay escorts, like gay people in general, no longer feel any need to assist in the lies of people who publicly attack the community.

:dubious: Hmph! One would at least expect some measure of professional integrity!

From whom – the gay escort, or the professional politician?

The escort. I hope we all know better than to expect integrity from a politician.

Don’t be ridiculous. The gay escort, of course.