Should Sharia Law have any influence in the Western world?

That was the trial decision, overturned on appeal, as your own cite states. So the law in New Jersey is “No.”

You’re moving the goalposts - that wasn’t the premiss of your OP, which asserted that individuals had not been prosecuted - a clear assertion of fact. Now that you’ve not been able to provide a case in support of that premiss, you’re moving the debate to “Should”.

What matters is what the law is, not what “some think it should be.” unless you are one of those advocating for such a change, I wouldn’t worry about it.

Rereading what you wrote, quoted above, I’m more confused. If Sheria Law was passed in the US, then people wouldnt be “getting away” with things that are illegal, those things would now be legal. Not going to happen, of course, but it solves your problem.

I’m so glad I found this place!

even though I can’t post LOL cats…:stuck_out_tongue:

Since this poll and thread are based on a false premise, i’m just gonna go ahead and vote “yes” now, and further demand that the OP be executed for apostasy.

Still wondering where that case of some guy beating his wife that gets dismissed because of Sharia law is… anyone, anyone?

Plus, there is nothing in that story which supports the underlined portion of the statement: namely, that the police and the criminal law of assault and rape would not be available. A civil decision on an application for a restraining order does not affect the prosecution of the criminal law.

So, in other words, “There are no instances in which male Muslim immigrants in the US have not been prosecuted by law for behavior considered illegal (beating one’s wife, for instance and other forms of domestic abuse) because in Islamic law, this is acceptable behavior for a Muslim male. But should there be?!

Answer: No.

We done here now?

Next up-Should merry-go-round operators be allowed to slaughter chickens while the ride is in motion? I don’t actually have a cite for this happening, but should they?


That’s either the sound of me rejoicing in the Constitution being rendered obsolete by Sharia law, or me sticking my fingers in my ears and not wanting any part of this discussion.

Well this raises questions. Is the operator a Muslim? Are their state or federal laws governing chicken slaughtering on merry-go-rounds? I don’t think you should throw questions like that out there without specifics. I mean, the real question is, should you?

All religious law is barbaric. None of it applies to a decent society.

Quick someone pass a law to combat this non-existent problem. Oh right thanks Kansas you saves us all…

What does Sharia Law have to say about multiple repeated spelling mistakes on internet message board postings? I might be able to get on board if the answer is the right one.

Why is Sharia such a big deal, when Beth Din and Ecclesiastical Courts are essentially the same things with the same power over the law of the state (i.e. none.)?

Should Beth Din take precedence? Should the Ecclesiastical Courts? Should any religious court? Why limit the question to Sharia? Because Islam is scary?

It’s my understanding that there are only three punishments under Sharia law:

  1. Someone cuts off your hand.
  2. Someone rapes your sister.
  3. A whole bunch of people stone you to death.

Obviously, #3 should apply, as this is an internet community.