Should the USA have black states?

It doesn’t REQUIRE a single person be displaced; see my post above. I don’t think it’d work, but it could be completely voluntary. West Virginia took off, why can’t Detroit?

Let’s start with Detroit, and if that state is successful, we could evaluate where to go next. Maybe Miami?

Like John Mace, I see no logic behind your assertion about this unspoken assumption. Can you explain why you say there’s such an assumption.

Do you have a cite for this? (I’m sure you wouldn’t make such a sweeping assertion if all you can point to is a small number of incidents involving individual law enforcement officers.)

Oh for the love of…

OP, Imagine you are Black. You’ve just graduated from college, and also just got married. You find a job in, say, Bangor Maine which is perfect for you. It’s in your chosen field, well paid, and the firm may fund further education if you work out. Your spouse supports the move and there are opportunities for her/him as well. You have some friends from college living there, who are eager to introduce you to the social scene. You’ve got a line on a home in a place that seems great to raise a family in.

Then you get a letter: “I’m sorry sir, but we are moving African Americans to special ‘AA only states.’ You are forbidden to move to this jurisdiction. Please continue reading for some counties where it is acceptable for people of African heritage to dwell. Best of luck.”

This is something you actually would support?

Liberia certainly worked out very well.

The Constitution of the United States says:

This all seems to have very little connection to the reality that most of us are living in.

Are you saying that any non-white person who lives in a state with a white governor is automatically oppressed because he’s living under white rule? Do you feel that white people living in a state with a black governor are also oppressed?

Call me crazy but I think it’s possible for black people and white people to work together on achieving their common interests under one government.

Now I’m not denying that there is still racism in America. But I don’t see putting black people on reservations as the solution.

The irony is that somebody who is telling black people where they’re allowed to live for their own good is accusing the rest of us of treating black people like children.

So how did WV secede? A state “in rebellion” is still a state, right? Anyway, I can assure you Lansing would let Detroit go. It would break our hearts, but, hey, common good and all that. Don’t let the door hit ya…

Did I say that there had to be ethnic cleansing? Maybe I left that inference. Sorry.

No, surely it would be better to draw new boundaries around regions that are already over 50% black, rather than forcibly repatriate anyone.


If you contend that if there were majority-minority states, then ethnic purges *would *happen, then you’re just proving that black people aren’t wanted in the USA.

Which, let’s be honest, is pretty much the case.

So what happens to bi-racial people? Are they basically screwed?

Yes. Just like the several states now.

:confused: Is it “enforcing racial segregation” to keep New Mexico separate from Texas?

Yeah, well, I’m spitballing. How about we start with redrawing boundaries and see what happens?

But, hey, if most of the white folks on this board went straight to ethnic cleansing and destroying mixed-race people, well, OK, good to know.

I’ve been slightly confused why Blacks don’t have more political power in the South than they do.

Hinds County, Mississippi has 69% Black population but the Democrat Childers got only 58% of the vote in the recent Senate election. (In fact, the Senate contest was mainly between the right-winger and the Tea-Bagger with the general election almost just a formality!) Four possible causes are:
(a) Low Black turnout
(b) Black voter suppression
© Significant Black vote for the GOP
(d) Very few Whites in Mississippi vote Democratic
Which of these is the key explanation? (If you don’t understand why Blacks “should” almost all vote for (D) and many Whites “should” also, please ask your ignorant question in the Pit.)

Similarly Alabama, with over 26% Black population, gave Romney over 60% of the vote in 2012. Why is this?

Oh, wait, I forgot about this post. Thank you. Really. Someone other than our resident straw-construct engaged with the core idea halfway favorably.

It’s nice to have a thought experiment like this get something besides knee-jerk scorn.

Many Democrats say no.

And so the blacks will be a minority everywhere. What do we call a minority in a majority-rule (or plurality-rule) system? “Losers,” comes to mind.

That’s a rather evasive answer. Have the majority-minority districts actually lead to good outcomes? It’s a yes-no question. Why not give us a straight answer.

And if the answer is no, then why would we want to push the idea further with majority-minority states?

I welcome skepticism. This is a thought experiment.

Is permanent second-class citizenship preferable to “balkanization”? Surely it’s a question of context and options.

I would like us to join hands in brotherhood and sing “Free at Last,” you know? I would like to cashier all the brutal racist police officers giving the police forces of this country, and the city governments they represent, and states of which those cities are divisions.

But apparently, even that is considered a pipe dream. And so, I almost have to conclude that the black nationalists are right. Assimilation is a joke. Obama is a joke.

Police kill a young black man every two days on average. Is that supposed to be progress? What, was it every day in the Clinton administration?

If, as some of my older white liberal acquaintances like to reassure themselves, it was “so much worse in the old days,” and “it’s getting better all the time,” what did the death rate from police used to be? Or are they just congratulating themselves for not pounding on a darkie themselves in the last ten years?

Now, I suppose there’s no way at present to get white states to give up territory to black states. And most of the states’ ruling coalitions are white, while none are black.

So maybe this is about relocation. Not forced. The Great Migration had elements of force. Maybe a large movement of blacks need to pick a state and take it over. Rule it themselves and prove it can be done.

Granted, if they tried, that state, however liberal and hipster it was previously, would probably be full of KKK in short order. Maybe there is no hope. :frowning:

Not all questions have a definite answer. The “white side of the Democratic Party” argument is that majority-minority districts are bad, because they break up the working class.

But the white side of the Democratic Party includes racist cops and state politicians connected to racist police departments. At this point, any white pol, even Bernie Sanders, has to prove himself a friend of minorities, because it does no good to assume.

I’m confused by your post. Are in favor of or in disagreement with the proposal put forth in the OP?

Actually, most of the ethnic enclave voting districts appear to have been established for the opposite reason. Groups who might possibly provide a majority (or strong plurality) in multiple districts are generally placed in a single district so that their vote is limited to that single district, minimizing their potential power.

Beyond that, I am struck by the irony of the OP in hoping for considered and supported views while providing little more than a vague, unsupported belief that there is a remote possibility that such reworking of districts will give black people some unmeasured more voting power.

One fatal flaw, from my perspective, is the American mobility. Americans are constantly moving and any scheme to set up politically recognized “homelands” is going to fall apart as soon as the economy changes just a bit and the population moves to chase new jobs or escape unemployment. And, of course, the scheme, as proposed, ignores the ways in which the Southwestern Hispanic population is going to (massively) change U.S. demographics and Southeast and Southwest Asians are going to change the demographics on a smaller scale.
It just seems a short term solution looking for a problem to fix.

I think it actually was considered for a while shortly after the civil war when they were wondering what to do with ex-slaves. There are even some small towns here in Kansas that were established by ex-slaves and were for awhile all black. Same as some other towns might have been for awhile all Germans or Norwegians and such.

But the idea of seperate black states never went very far.