Sigh... I'm blocked from The Game Room forum at work now. How do they know?

They definitely can where I work - but with 20,000 employees, I just think it would take too much effort to analyze everything that everyone does.

eta: instead, they just block tons of sites and don’t give us great speed

I once reviewed a book with a title that could be construed as suggestive if you had that kind of a mind, and e-mailed the review to my editor. After deadline, she e-mailed me to ask me where my copy was. I answered that I had sent it well in advance of deadline, and sent it again. She didn’t get my reply and called me, thinking I was sick or something, as I never miss deadlines. Of course, it had gone into her spam.

Sometimes people block sites, (especially with a lot of employees) even without seeing or knowing them. I know where I work they monitor HOW LONG you’ve been on a site and it gets flagged then reviewed. If it’s not work related it gets banned. Sucks, yeah cause I usually get on things (facebook) when my work is done.

There’s at least one major (generally left-wing) blog whose software blocks comments containing the word So CIALIS m.

I’ve worked at places that have a whitelist. In other words EVERYTHING is blocked and you hvae to contact the admin to get into a site. The site is given either permanent access or is accessable for a day or so.

When I did IT for a hotel, we had tons of tools to block and montior, but we never used them at the hotel level. I know corporate could look but I don’t know if they did.

Our people were very good, few people actually used the Internet improperly. Most of the personal sites were like banking sites (employees probably checking to see if their direct deposit hit) or stocks or newsites.