Silver Spoons in Champagne Bottles

I hesitate to question The Master’s wisdom, but I believe there was a flaw in the experiment to determine whether a silver spoon stuck in the neck of a champagne bottle prevents the fizz from going flat. (I would really appreciate it if someone more knowledgable than I, which has to be pretty much everyone else on the Board, could post the link to the column in question. Thanks!)

The problem that I see is that I believe that a spoon pretty much acts as a stopper when the bowl covers the bottle top. Silver itself doesn’t have any particular properties to stop the bubbles from popping; thus, the silver necklace used proved to be worse than nothing.

Unca Cece did say that none of his spoons would fit into the top, but I’ve done this myself in years past without a problem. Maybe the cheap stuff comes in a narrower-necked bottle?

I did get a big kick out of the second conclusion to the experiment, so I hope that my appreciation of his humor is enough to keep Mr. Adams from squashing me like a bug.