Similar User Names

No, we’re both extremely handsome individuals from Upper South states. :stuck_out_tongue:

We are, however, discussing banning names based on annoying sitcom characters.

Thanks. That gave me a good laugh first thing in the morning.

There used to be a poster here who called himself Zenster. Before he managed to get himself banned, he was a prolific poster of killer recipes. Someone joined the board and called himself Z3nster, which incensed the original. But I guess it resolved itself in the banning.

People used to get me confused with Bippy the Beardless, but the Bipster hasn’t been around here lately.

(I’m the one with a beard.)

cerberus: tricephalic hellhound
cerebus: aardvark-like graphic novel character

Cerebrus: Iron Man foe.

But I when I saw your name, I thought of
Cerebro - X-Men mutant detector and psychic enhancer.

Sorry aeiou260199038, spammers get reported.

Funny thing is I often confuse cerberus and Cicero and they aren’t even that close. :eek:

You won’t be setting the bar, that’s for sure.

I often confuse those name when I’m resurrecting the dead in my graveyard :eek: