Single Mom needs Shaving Lessons fo 16yo son

A male friend of mine told me about this and I have heard good things from people who use their service. Maybe something to think about for your son?

It looks like you get one blade a month :dubious::eek:
Is that true? Because I go through at least 3 blades a month and I use them till they’re pretty much dead.

A salicylic acid preshave scrub is excellent for exfoliation, and witch hazel is a great aftershave.

Hmm…I didn’t really look into the website all that much, but I was going to get the service for my husband eventually.

But it doesn’t look like one blade a month. Looks like you get a choice between 5, 4, or 3 a month.

I’d like to thank you all for your very helpful advice. I will definitely use it in the future.

“Little Foot”

Say what? I have to ask how you caught a nose hair with an electric razor.

I know these things are expensive, but decent razors really do make a huge difference for the menfolk in my life. I can get away with a cheap Bic two-blade, but both of 'em (one is 19, one is 59) need something more like a Mach 3 - still disposable, but name brand. I’m not a brand name snob, but with disposable razors, you really do get what you pay for.

If you’re feeling really creative, next time you have watermelon, toss a slice, seeds, rind and all, into a blender and puree until it’s smooth. Add your witch hazel and, if you’re really feeling punky, a stem or two of rosemary. Awesome facial toner for oily skin. Play with the proportions; the first time I made it it turned out kinda sticky, so I used more witch hazel next time. In the summer, I like to keep it in the fridge for extra ahhhh…, but it’s fairly shelf stable d/t the witch hazel. It will need shaking before you use it.

I’m guessing at least some of the red pus filled bumps on his face aren’t acne at all, but folliculitis from newly growing beard hairs. This toner (especially if you add the rosemary and let it sit for a few days) will help with that, as well as acne.

The thing in aftershave that helped me at that age was the alcohol. It prevented little whiteheads popping up around each shaved whisker. If I didn’t use the aftershave, I’d have a pretty gross rash by noon. I found that 70% isopropyl alcohol splashed on my face after shaving really did a good job of preventing that rash. Hurt like heck for about 15 seconds, but it was worth it. I’d use aftershave with alcohol in it on special occasions such as getting ready for a date. I don’t care what I did, electric razors always gave me an after-shave rash.

BTW, the life of a disposable razor can be extended remarkably by simply drying the blade after shaving. Dry it using the point of a folded tissue or blotting with a dry towel. Don’t let the wet blade air dry.

Try this video for a step by step guide

A high quality (Norelco) electric is what I use. It lasts for years, no cuts, and no pulling hairs, like I’ve had happen with a cheapo electric. Far less fuss than a razor and gel.

Well now I know how to shave.

FWIW the advice I found most useful was (a) make sure the face is soaked hot and wet – a hot facecloth can be plenty, but don’t just splash some water on, it really does make a difference and (b) go slowly until you’re sure you’re doing it right

I hear getting a really good razor and a shaving brush and shaving soap are worthwhile, but I never tried it.

I’ve found that those new vibrating razors give me a better shave. I also use shaving gel - King of Shaves, warmed before application - rather than shaving foam. No aftershave.

If I ever get my hands on a time machine, one of the many things I plan to do (along with the obligatory meddling with history, suing Shakespeare for plagiarising my plays, and building a massive private collection of priceless artworks and treasures) will be visiting my 16 year old self with a current Sports Almanac publication, a dossier of shares to buy/investments to make, and the following advice:

It is NOT gay, girly, unmanly, or wussy to use a really high-quality shaving cream from someone like L’Occitane or Crabtree & Evelyn, even if it has words like “exfoliant” or “for sensitive skin” on the jar. And get a decent razor with at least three blades in it. The difference between the cheap disposable razors and foam-in-a-can you’re currently using and the stuff I’m recommending can be measured in light years.

I believe the same advice will also be useful for your son. :slight_smile:

Another option is hiring a high class call girl. She could teach him to shave!

Informal polling when I was a wee lad indicated electric razors were worse for acne and pimples. My theory is they tend to pull a lot of hairs out, exposing the hair follicle. Shaving with soap and blade also keeps the skin very clean. So he needs a styptic pencil, and to try various shaving creams, soaps, gels, or whatever, and then he’s perfectly capable of deciding what he wants to do himself.

When he gets a little thicker beard going, you might want to suggest he go to a barbershop to get a straight razor shave (if you can find one), and he can ask the barber for suggestions on daily shaving. Once it grows in, facial hair is best shaved in certain directions, and there’s nothing better than a pro to get advice from.


This is excellent advice. While I am bearded, and have been since I was able to grow a decent set of whiskers, the best advice is obtained through the pros. FWIW, allowing areas of beard that are fully developed to grow can assist with acne later in life. When I shave, I not only look very young, but often begin getting acne on my face. Bearded, I never have a pimple.

Not acne. Folliculitis. Acne is caused by bacteria trapped in clogged pores (not hair follicles) and happens whether you shave or not; folliculitis has several causes, including ingrown hairs, bacteria in the hair follicle and, most commonly, the same yeast beasties that cause athlete’s foot and crotch rot, and is often triggered by shaving and disappears when you’re bearded.

I pick nits because I care; treat your folliculitis like it’s acne, and it probably won’t get better.

:smiley: like I said. . .

By the way, this is done dry.