Six Feet Under 6/13/04

Ok, I just rewatched the episode. Lisa’s family definitely left the day after the funeral, not the day of.

David – Michael C. Hall – is married to Amy Spanger, his co-star in more than one Broadway show. I believe I just read that they’re expecting their first child. Keith – Mathew St. Patrick – is also stright (and has apparently caught a bit of flack, sadly, for playing a gay man). Great actors, both of them. Their openness in the roles and their chemistry with one another is simply terrific.

It didn’t surprise me at all that David went along with the switch. He may be a stickler for some details, like re-using a casket, but no problems with switching the ashes. It’s his brother’s emotional welfare and his sister-in-law’s wishes being abided by, the in-laws are happy, and even Bruno gets someone to care for his remains after thirty years of sitting on a shelf.

Does anybody think Keith will get into investigating Lisa’s death? It might be interesting to see him solve the case and then take up being a private investigator. In other words, I don’t want the writers to leave it a mystery; tell me already!

Keith’s new job is going to be a bodyguard for a pop singer according to newspaper reviews of the first four episodes.

I just rewatched the episode on tape, and on reflection I really think the final scene with Nate is one of the most powerful scenes I’ve ever seen on tv.

Lisa’s sister, Barb, was played by Julie Detzel. I don’t know if she’s actually related to Lili Taylor, but if not it was great casting. That’s been typical of this show; Nate and David really look like they could be brothers, and Patricia Clarkson was perfect as Ruth’s sister.

The casting agent is a genius just for casting the roles of Ruth and Claire.

Visually, it was pretty good, but for me the visuals are the least of the LSD thing. And of course the high-dive act was a rolleyes for sure. Has anyone ever decided to jump off a building on acid?

Anyway, neither here nor there. What a great episode!

Both the service and the burial were both gut-wrenching.

I was just going to say the same but you got there first. Truly incredible. It also captured the times so perfectly.

Visually it was pretty good. The way they did the sound was excellent. It definitely brought me back. I can see someone accidentally walking off the edge of a building on acid though.

I do agree about the rolleyes on the “I think I can fly” thing. I meant to mention that.

Well, I was in 2nd grade in 1972 and over ten years away from my first time on the bus.


As soon as it was clear that they were tripping, I was hoping & praying that they wouldn’t do the I-think-I-can-fly urban legend. They’re usually smarter than that.

I can’t believe that David finally articulated a specific sexual act that he and Keith performed together. I thought it was funny how throughout the last two seasons we never knew exactly what it was that Keith and David did in bed, even though we’ve seen David in explicit sex scenes with other people.