Skookum - Do you know this word?

Grew up in PA and have not heard the word before.

I’ve heard that word before. I thought it meant strong or powerful and was from the Pacific Northwest/ Washington State area. I’ve not been west of the prairies.

Grew up in the Northwest, and heard that all my life. As a matter of fact, my dad used it this morning on the phone.

Hm. I thought I’d heard of the name “Skookum Joe”, but maybe that’s the name I was thinking of. At any rate, I didn’t know the meaning (raised in Sask.).

Sorry for the double post, but here’s a previous “skookum” conversation:

I’ve certainly heard of it…but I had no idea what it means. Alberta girl.

Never heard of it.

Midwestern US, born & raised.

Never heard it.

Never heard of it. Raised in Arizona.

Skookum Jim and Tagish Charlie were co-discoverers of the gold fields. Joe Juneau is who Juneau, AK is named for. There are several reference to “Skookum Joe” on Google, one of which is Skookum Joe Canyon in Montana.

Skookum is from Chinook Jargon and means strong or aggressive.

Chinook Jargon is not quite a native language but rather a amalgam of native and outside influences from the trading partners of the NW coastal indians.

Chuck means water.

There are many areas in the NW refered to as Skookumchuck or strong/fast water. Usually in reference to rapids or tidal currents.

Is that Skookum with you, Chuck?

Also from Chinook Jargon comes the word Potlatch, or as we now call it Pot Luck. It means to bring something, damn it! we are having a party!

And also Tillikum, which means “friend”. No explanation should be needed.

You might as well also link the Wikipedia article for skookum itself. It seems strong is only one definition of many.

And, no, I’ve never heard of it, and, yes, I thought it was “snookum” at first.

That link is too general to get to the meaning as it is used in the NW.