Skyscraper Melts Car

As Bo points out, the number is “one”. The Onion couldn’t have written it better.

Too bad it isn’t 1920s Style Architecture.


I like Art Deco!

If I was writing this as a comedy, I’d add a scene with a very in-your-face type “A” personality sitting with the architect and saying in a loud entitled psuedo-Chef-Ramsey voice,

"Rafael, I need you to listen to me. I need you to focus. Focus, focus, focus! Can you do that? Good. Your design? Its utter crap. Now look at me… focus. Focus, focus, focus! I want a new design, I want it by tomorrow. Blue-prints and all.
I don’t care what you have to do to get it done… are you looking at me? Focus! I want that design. And… I want the entire building up inside of a month. Focus! I don’t want to hear back-talk, I don’t want to hear any excuses. Focus, focus, focus! "

“Now if you need me, and you damn well better not, I’ll be watching Manchester United kick Swansea’s ass. But I don’t want you thinking football. I want you to… go on, say it now…
Focus! Do you hear me? Show me your passion and… say it with me now… Focus! Can you do that…? Can you show me your focus? Good Man…!”

[Doofenschmirtz] BEHOLD! the Car-Meltinator![/Doof]

It is indeed. I walked past it last Sunday and wondered “What on Earth is that?”

About as good as English Cuisine.

It could be worse. At least you didn’t walk past and wonder “Why am I on fire?”