Sleeping Beauty is probably the weakest of the Disney animated films

The only Disney “prince” who isn’t a generic Ken doll, IMO, is Li Shang from Mulan. Compared to the other princes, he’s a well-developed and finely nuanced character.

Robin Hood has Phil Harris. It is thus exempted from the bottom of the pile by default, as is Aristocats. (I don’t think anyone would put Jungle Book near the bottom, so that’s safe.)

And Oliver and Company is not that bad. Not the best, and most of the second half is admittedly forgettable, but the first half and the soundtrack is burned lovingly into my brain.

And kitty! Cute, cute kitty. How can people on the SDMB overlook that?

Some would argue that the Eisner period was actually the Katzenberg period. But either way, it’s over now that both men have left Disney. The good news is that we’re entering the Lasseter period and based on his past work there’s strong reason to believe it will be a good era.

“They” have finally done it - expunged it from the official “Wiki” records. My favorite mix of animation, live, and song.

Seems most people and the list have forgotten.

From the wiki:

Song of the South doesn’t count as an animated film because it isn’t 100% animated- it’s a combination of animation and live-action. It’s listed on the “Live-action films which feature Disney animation” underneath the listing of fully-animated films.

And looks good with his shirt off. :smiley:

I think my favorite Disney song is “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” from Mulan. I don’t know if it’s the story while it’s being sung, or Donny Osmond’s voice, or how Mulan figures out how to get the arrow from the top of the post…I always get a bit of a thrill when I hear that song.

Just to establish my bona fides, I have 3 kids who were born between 88-91, and looking through that Wiki list I was astonished to see that at one time or another we had owned all of the 1st 37 of those films except for 6-11 and the Black Cauldron.

The only 2 that I have as yet not watched all the way through are Hunchback and Hercules. Have tsrated them a few times, but never gotten all the way through. Not sure why, but I guess I’d have to say for some reason they didn’t appeal to me as much as the others.

I think it is very hard to choose one that is significantly worse than the others, because some appeal to me more at some times than at others. And My affection for a particular film can change over time. When my kids were young, their tastes would change as well. And it was really fun when after putting the films aside for a few years, they “re-discovered” them as teenagers, viewing them in an entirely different light. It was fun to hear them comment on jokes or imlications that the :had no idea about" when younger.

Although SB is one of my least favorite, being scared of Maleficent is one of the few Disney-film things I can remember from when I was young. Never really cared for Pinnochio either.

With most of the films, there is at least one scene/song I absolutely love - so it is hard for me to dis the entire film. Pinnochio, nothing really grabs me.

The soundtrack was the first record I ever owned ;).

Maleficent is a total bad-ass. She scared the pants off me, too. (Maleficent is also the nickname we’re using for our in-utero daughter.)

My favorite Disney films are *Robin Hood *and Fantasia. The princess movies have never done much for me.

While its “princess” is even more of a bystander than most of those in the early Disney fairy tales, I concur with those who still rank Sleeping Beauty highly based mostly on the considerable assets of Maleficent – including her castle, minions, and dragon battle.

I also enjoy it for one of the better twists Disney has ever put on their source material – In the traditional versions of the tale, the princess simply falls asleep for a hundred years before being awakened by the kiss of a determined, but otherwise pretty random passing knight errant, born generations after the event, whom the awakened princess naturally marries and lives happily ever after.

Disney’s version tightens up the timeframe and narrative by establishing the protagonists as fated lovers from the start, and even though Aurora’s nap lasts only a seeming matter of minutes, keeps the “century of sleep” theme as Maleficent’s inspiredly evil plan – Rather than merely kill Phillip and leave Aurora in a coma forever, she’ll lock him in her dungeon until he’s old and decrepit and then release him. Even if he then released Aurora from her curse, their love would be doomed by time itself.

At least until the invention of Viagra, decades later.

Sleeping Beauty has always been one of my very favorite of the Disney films. I love the music, the backgrounds, the fact that the prince has a personality (and a name.) Maleficent alone should recomend the movie for the top of the Disney period.

The only reason I haven’t bought the newly released DVD yet is because my scardy cat kids don’t like Maleficent. :frowning:

Maleficent is my favorite Disney villain. While it’s not my favorite Disney movie, the dragon fight scene alone makes the movie one of my favorites.

Sleeping Beauty also gets huge bump from the Kingdom Heart games. Maleficent was badass in those too. Without spoiling anything, even when she did something noble and perhaps ‘good,’ she oozed evil charisma.

Bar none, it is the most nefarious villain plan ever, a fate worse than a fate worse than death. And it’s invented on the fly to boot. Malificent is the evilest, even invoking the powers of hell. Only Chernabog can really compete, and he’s mute.

Look, Sleeping Beauty has its flaws, but it’s not even close to the “weakest” Disney animated film. far from it, it’s in my top five. It’s a visual smorgasbord with fabulous music, great animation, and interesting characters. Its weak story relies on extensive exposition in the opening and its heroine is hamstrung by the story itself, but she shines in the forest. I could watch it over and over. I’m sorely tempted to buy a Blueray player just to get this movie.

Her speech to Phillip in the dungeon is one of my favorite villainous speeches ever.

What I really disliked about this movie is how when faries rescue Phil, they tell him that they can’t help him after giving him the shield and sword, then they proceed to help him even casting an accruacy spell on the sword just before the throw.

So Phillip has no skilz of his own.

SB is fairly weak, story wise, but has a kick ass villain. I own it on VHS and that is good enough for me.

My favorites were Robin Hood (I can’t believe how many people here didn’t like it! Was I the only little kid who tormented their parents with constant renditions of “Prince John, the phony king of England”?), The Jungle Book, The Little Mermaid (gotsta have love for the only red headed Disney princess), The Lion King, Fantasia…you know, I am starting to realize that I have a deep love of Disney movies.

Except Bambi. Damn movie was almost completely without dialouge and completely blocked from my memory until someone else mentioned it upthread.

Which is another reason Li Shang stands out among Disney princes. He has mad martial artz skilz and it’s all him, baby! No magic weapons. No helpful fairies.

Sleeping Beauty is actually my favorite of the Walt-era Disney films. I like the Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast (fav. Disney film), Lion King (2nd fav) and Aladdin all more than SB, but SB is fantastic for that era. Maleficent is the best villianess of any of the Disney films…she’s truly frightening. Beautiful animation and great music. It’s a classic.