slow earth

Now, I remember there being a planet in our system (Uranus? Neptune? I forget) that actually does rotate in the opposite direction of the earth. If we could send astronauts to land there, they would go back in time!

I think he’s referring to a long-ago thread wherein a new member was stubbornly basing his understanding of spacetime on that superman movie where he makes time go backward by reversing the spin of the Earth.

Earthquakes, buildings falling over and the oceans sloshing around would be the least anyones worries if the Earth came to an instant stop. Considering that the atmosphere would still be moving, the 1000+ mph winds would wipe out anything above ground. The highest recorded wind speed was during an F5 tornado in Oklahoma at 318 mph and only home foundations remained in its wake.

Anyone underground would go flying into a wall at over 1000 mph, so unless they had found a way to defeat inertia, everyone would be doomed. Due to this, I suggest we never let this happen.

[nitpick]Apatosaurus[/nitpick] :smiley:
And actually, since i’m not a paleontologist, yes i do occasionally refer to the mythical, nonexistant “Brontosaur.” I am a physicist though, hence the greater degree of “nit-pickiness”

Yes, some of which were mentioned in the link i gave above. A few i can think of off the top of my head:

  1. Gravity would feel stronger, due to the lack of inertial effects (“centrifugal force”)
  2. The stars would just rotate around a point directly above you, as opposed to moving across the sky in the fashion most people are accustomed to.
  3. The length of the day would be longer or shorter, depending on what season it is.
  4. Polar bears. This important physical phenomena comes directly out of Maxwell’s Equations. Penguins also appear, but they are perceptible only at the south pole due to boundary conditions, and decay away exponentially above the equator.

[note]One of these has no solid theoretical basis. It is left as an exercise for the reader.[/note]

I would expect the tidal drag to become smaller with the Moon in a higher orbit. The main effect would be that the tidal force would drop by the cube of the ratio of the orbital radius. The only other effect is that the Moon will be moving slower, but this will be negligable.