So, are we ready for a land invasion?

Yeah, sure. That’s just what you wily Canadians want us to think. Lull us into a false sense of security and then BLAMMO! It’s Canadian Tire and Tim Horton’s everywhere, while we are forced to eat poutine and watch hockey.

A fate worse than death!
“Better dead than…” er, something. Eh?

No, no, no. I’d much rather be invaded by Mexico. Didn’t Trump or someone in the clown posse say that if Clinton won, there would be a taco truck on every corner? That’s an invasion I could support. Of course, then we would all have to watch soccer – I mean, futbol. GOOOOOAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL!!!

You could probably repel a land invasion with the Texas National Guard.

Yeah it should be pointed out that US planners, even with the entire cold war to prepare defenses, never expected to be able to stop the Russian Army in Europe without nuclear weapons. The numbers were just too large.

Side note, it is always a bug bear of mine of apocalyptic fiction, how quickly the Army organisation breaks down during a fictional apocalypse. Whichever disaster is portrayed (Alien invasion, zombie outbreak, etc.) it rarely seems as severe as the “plan of record” for fighting the soviets if the cold war turned hot. The plan (as in this is how we expect this thing to go) was for 90% casualties in front line units (plus the whole thermonuclear war thing on top of that). And that plan is still basically how the US military is set up, even if the mission has changed since then.

Well, Mexicans love beisbol too, so there’s that.

I live in LA, where we already have a taco truck on every corner. It’s working out well for us.

Questions like that are why rational people don’t take conservatives seriously.

Google translate straightened that out for me when I googled “beisbol”. :dubious:

Or Scotsmen. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think we’d repel the Mexican invasion pretty easily. But when we then retaliated and took over their whole country, either occupying or burning down all of their major cities, then for some reason the rest of the world would get mad at us! It’s just not fair.

Note: Everything I know about geopolitics I learned playing Civilization.

So after conquering Mexico, we make it the 51st state, right? And we can totally stop worrying about Mexicans sneaking into the USA.

Um…you know how big Mexico is (or that it’s composed of multiple states already)? I don’t think we could or would want to make the whole thing a state, even if we assume we could conquer it AND annex the whole thing right into the US. I know this was said tongue in cheek but you have to keep it real. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just looking for an “out of the box” solution. :slight_smile:

Actually that would be kind of cool discussion in its own right. We annex Mexico and its 31 states (plus Federal District), and then what?

Our Constitution and federal laws apply immediately? I’m not sure there’s a mechanism in current law that allows a gradual migration to our way.

Minimum wage would apply tomorrow. That would affect huge supply chains monumentally. What about our EPA? What about Mexico’s PEMEX? Where does Carlos Slim fit amongst the wealthiest people in the United United States of America? What happens to the Mexican Peso?

That’s certainly much more difficult question than an armed invasion of the USA by Mexico.

It’s already in place. Bill Shatner is the commander, and Mike Myers the XO.

It is a more interesting question, but I don’t want to hijack the thread so I’ll just say that my WAG is we wouldn’t try and annex all of Mexico, regardless of the provocation. We MIGHT try and annex some of the territories in northern Mexico, but it would be just the regions adjacent to our own territories (and maybe Baja) for most likely defensive purposes. Other than that, most likely we’d do something similar to what we tried to do in Iraq (hopefully in a less fucked up way, though if Trump is prez then it probably would be worse) and install a temporary government while spinning up the process to have a new government elected. The reasons we wouldn’t try and annex the rest of Mexico is basically answered in your own questions, as it would be really difficult and complex…probably way to difficult and complex to even attempt.

Well I assume it would work the same way it did last time we did something like that

Mexican citizens were given a year to declare they were happy being American, otherwise the had to leave.

Now that the midterms are over, I suspect we won’t be hearing about the caravan anymore.

Yep, just like Ebola in 2014.

I wouldn’t make that assumption at all, though. If we annexed all of Mexico, there would be no place for them to leave to. And those were the days of low population, little to no industry, and not much global trade. It couldn’t be like that at all.