So is Luann about to lose her virginity?

Wha!? :eek: I guess that one must have gone over my head at the time. You’re right, of course.

It’s also kinda obvious in how pissed Brad got when the munchkin disappeared and ruined his and Toni’s “together time.” He wouldn’t have been that smoked if all he missed was blue balls.

What, the hot lesbian action from a couple of weeks ago wasn’t enough for you?
Looking at the whole week’s strips, it’s clear Luann was planning a seduction and certainly intends to do something she wouldn’t do if her parents were home. But given that Luann is a relatively inexperienced teenager, it seems rather an abrupt transition from “just friends” to “going all the way.”

In that last panel, I can’t tell whether they’re proceeding to make out, or whether that one kiss was so overwhelming that it knocked them out.

I’m thinking they weren’t sure they were going to feel any spark when they DID kiss, but…wow. They did. Their toes are curled :slight_smile:
I’m thinking they’re surprised at how hot it was.

Try the strips starting with This One and the following six days or so.

That hasn’t kept her creator from indulging in some [del]Hollywood[/del] Comic Strip Ugly from time to time (such as when all the boys made themselves scarce when she took her turn in a dunk tank).

If those strip sequences were hot lesbian action I’m Barack Obama’s niece.
In the second sequence Luann and Quill were playing Tiffany for a fool–not hard to do, because she’s already there; sort of like carrying coals to Newcastle. :smiley:

Subtext; this is a family newspaper strip after all. And I haven’t found it yet but there was the arc where Tiffany helped “make over” Luann into the perfect [del]toy[/del] bff- a virtual double of herself. And then there was Luann’s utterly bizarre dream… (This page and following three days).

They’ll start to get down to business… Luann decides she’s not ready… Quill presses on anyway… Gunther bursts into the room with guns blazing…


Younger than that. I’d say she was no older than 9 when the strip started.

Yes, and Luann getting her “.” was a major, week-or-more-long sequence.

I’m also not convinced that Evans is “aging the characters glacially”, as some claim. It seems that he makes specific changes for specific purposes, but doesn’t follow a consistent timeline. He made Luann and her classmates sixteen because he wanted them to be able to drive. But I’m not aware (correct me if I’m wrong) of them taking the SATs or checking out colleges. Likewise, he advanced Brad to whatever age he is so he could live away from the parents. But his interactions with Toni seem to still be on a high school level. I’m also not aware (CMIIW) of his mulling the “I want to get married soon/I don’t ever want to get married” decision that guys do when they get to the age he should be by now.

Take a look at today’s strip. Luann is lying on her back on the bed, Quill says he’s free for an hour or more. Assuming Frank and Nancy don’t show up, I’d say the die is cast. :eek:

Brad has discussed marriage, going to the extent of taking TJ advice (foolish as that generally is) to sound out Ton’is feelings. It’s explicitly Toni (notable for her commitment-phobia) who isn’t ready.

I’m thinking they’re going to do it. There’s no way that Luann doesn’t think she’s ready.

No way. Luann is too much the “good girl” to lose it in high school.

Anyway, I’m sick of Luann and Quill. I wanna see T.J. get Ann Eiffel fired already.

Isn’t the phone ringing again in the last panel? My hope is for a comedy of errors style hour where they keep trying to get down to business but something interferes. Because the last thing I want to think about over my morning eggs and toast is the sexlife of Luann.

I haven’t seen any of the rest of the strip, and frankly don’t care to. But from what I see, based on the last panel the answer is
“No, because the guy accidentally roofied both of them, rather than just Luann.”

Where you are getting the roofie thing from?

Because the last panel makes it look like they kissed and then collapsed exhausted onto their backs on the bed. Or does that pose look like a natural making out position to you? He’s not saying that they’re actually roofied, just that the artist totally fucked up the positioning on that last panel.

I’m not Quecus but it does look like they kissed and then passed out. That last panel is. . . not what should come next.

I just realized that y’all are talking about the last panel of the 30 June strip, not of the 2 July strip.