kittenblue. . .
I’m sorry to say, but there’s not a chance you’ll get funded. Zero. I think your write up is OK, but you’re asking to borrow at WAY too low a rate.
People who are “HR” get funded at 25% and up.
People who are AA rated get funded at around 8-10%. You’re asking for 7.75%. Don’t enter a rate you don’t want to pay, but if people like your loan, they’ll bid your rate down to its “fair market value” (at least in theory).
Also, people get funded more easily if they’re in a group.
A couple words of advice: if you decide to re-list, don’t change your story dramatically. Don’t say, “Oh, I want the money for a home improvement” or “I want the money to start a business”.
Keep in mind, It IS people loaning to people, but you’re still a statistic. You could be the most sincere person in the world and you’re going to sell a kidney to pay this loan back if you have to, but all that the lenders have to go on is that people with an HR rating historically default at a rate of about 20%.
Look around the message boards there (click “help” then “discussion forums”). Look at “review my listing” and at the “borrowers” and “lenders” forums. Good luck with it.
That’s what I’ve done. I’ve loaned out $200 and I’ve already recieved one payment. If all goes according to plan, I’ll have enough to loan out the minimum again in about 10 months. If you like to “play” a little with your money, it’s a cool way to invest. You’re helping people out. You have an idea what your money is doing. You can easily calculate your expected returns.
There is a person there who has already loaned out $241,000 at a risk-adjusted return of over 13%.
Fortune favors the bold!
A web site called “” has tons of information about lenders and borrowers and groups.