So they don’t have to constantly kill there children and old folk just to maintain a population that won’t starve.
No, no, no. Obtaining food involved only a couple of hours work a day. That is it. Everyone overstates this trope when it is repeated. Once you add in tool manufacture, food preparation and travel HG life involves at least 8 hours a day, and frequently 16 hour days when ties are tough.
I’d love to see your evidence that any HG group can effectively treat 25% of common ailments or ward off more than 1 specific infection.
HGs have almost no ability to treat common ailments and even less technology to assist in fighting off infections. For example HGs have no ability to set broken bones, no ability to repair tooth decay (and no, bashing out teeth is not a “treatment” unless you can produce dentures, it’s amputation), no ability to treat heart disease or myopia or any of the most common human ailments.
Medicine. A cultural memory that is longer than living memory and more accurate than rumour. A system that allows people the luxury of not having to kill their own children and grandparents to avoid starvation.
Little things like that.
Reminds me of that other rhetorical question “Would money bring you happiness”. And the response: It can make your misery much more comfortable.
Not really, no. Food storage developed many thousands of years after people had already adopted agriculture. Indeed there were and still are many agricultural people who store no food. Most wet tropical agriculturists for example don’t store any significant amounts of food, and even many native American farmers never stored food, instead reverting to hunting and gathering in winter.
So the idea that the agricultural revolution started because people realised they could store food is putting the cart before the horse. People realised they could store food because they were skilled agriculturalist.
You seem to have a penchant for romanticising the HG lifestyle. Nowhere on the planter Earth have “trees and bushes… provided so plentifully” for humans. HGs had to work damn hard to stay alive. There’s a good reason you never see tribes of fat HGs. Worse yet they had to practice routine infanticide to keep their populations within sustainable limits. Every mother and father had to kill at least 4 or 5 of their own children in their lifetime. If HGs didn’t practice “population control” the land would never have been able to support them.
People switched to agriculture in large part because it made such population control unnecessary. Every additional child is an additional field hand to an agricultural family, and is seen as a blessing more than a curse. As a result agricultural populations expanded to many times that of HGs displaced them. That is why people took up agriculture. It is needed to be able to compete with other agriculturists. As others have noted, only in lands where agriculturists couldn’t establish did HG societies manage not to be displaced.
The evidence says exactly the opposite. The only places where agriculture could be supported people either switched to agriculture or were displaced. IOW it wasn’t a case of not needing to switch to agriculture. It was simply that in some places people were unable.
While I wouldn’t go that far I will say that you have a very rosy view of the HG lifestyle. HGs do not spend all day singing and dancing as you suggest. They do not have much at all in the ability to treat even simple ailments. They work damn hard for there food and are able to survive at all by enforcing rigorous population control methods which invariably includes extremely high rates of infanticide.