So why shouldn't I eat the brown acid?

Does this thread set a new record for time between trip and flashback?

For the same reason you don’t snort the yellow snow?

Who, as it turned out, was smoking harmless tobacco the entire time.

Word. The last time I heard it was at least 35 years ago, and I knew immediately that somebody had **not **listened to it.

I’d bet a zillion bucks that you’re wrong, and, again, I haven’t heard the recording in 35 years.

You would lose a zillion bucks iirc

Wavy Gravy made the follow up announcement. After the “…not specifically too good…” announcement, there was a “…if you think you’ve taken some poison, you can forget it.” announcement. That one was Wavy Gravy.

The brown acid announcement was NOT WG.

Just got my trill back.

BTW, WHY am I the first to post the link???

That one–the one from the LP–is Chip Monck. Wavy Gravy (Hugh Romney) made the “It’s not poison, it’s just bad acid” announcement.

Here’s John Belushi’s take on the matter. Geez, were we ever really that young?