So You [God] think you're all that and more? Prove it! [ed. title]

You’re going to end up becoming a Muslim. Allah has all that oil money.

To give a serious answer, I think Meatros’ idea might work. Grant me omniscience and then I’ll be able to see through any subterfuge.

We don’t even know the laws are consistent over the universe, nor if they change over time.

:: sends bottle of brandy to Czarcasm

You’ll need this.

So believing in consistent, immutable natural laws is too much of a stretch, but believing in an invisible spirit that creates and directs everything in the universe and is personally involved in every aspect of 6 billion human lives is something you can believe without any physical evidence?

Actually there are real scientific theories that some natural laws may change over time or across vast distances. It’s been put forward as a possible solution for the missing mass problem.

Perhaps this Supreme Being could change all humans so there would no longer be any evil in the world. Allow people to see the harm of a evil act before it was commited and change their hearts for Good,just the reverse of how the OT says He hardened the heart of the Pharoh!

Believing in immutable natural laws is limiting to the mind. It puts up barriers that inhibit human potential. Believing in God makes all things possible, including overcoming immutable natural laws.

:rolleyes: No, believing in God won’t let you overcome a single physical law. And knowing physical laws enables humanity to exploit them for our benefit. You’ve come up with one of the most completely wrong statements ever uttered.

The idea that one can ignore demonstrated scientific principles in order to advance a concept via fanciful theory and anecdote, is very comforting to the lazy mind.

So in a God universe, things like gravity, inertia, and magnetism can come and go with the will of an invisible spirit? That would remove any motivation for studying science, and mankind would simply wallow in ignorance, hoping god didn’t decide to fling them into space for no particular reason.

I am glad I don’t live in that universe.

Nah, sufficiently advanced technology can do that.

I believe I can flyyyy !

I see it as quite the opposite. We would be ‘lucky’ to have achieved the tech level of ancient Egypt without God’s assistance, and that would be only because of the structure of society that was lifted up on the backs of slaves.

The current physical laws are God’s child proofing of our area so we can be brought along. Much like a parent may set up barriers to prevent their small child from falling down stairs and put outlet covers on to prevent the child from sticking their fingers in the socket. God is no different, For our safety things like the law of conservation of energy are currently there for our protection and will eventually be lifted, and like that small child, we will have to leave our childish ways behind and learn in our new and expanded world. The speed of light will be lifted as a gate for a child and we will find we can traverse into new areas that we had no way to before.

In the end for God’s children the only Law is that which Jesus stated, Love God (our parent) and Love each other (our brothers and sisters and children).

Yes, yes, we are all worthless scum, etc.

It’s always amazed me just how anti-human religion tends to be.

And of course, there’s no evidence for any of that. Nor would changing those laws be the desirable thing you believe, since we run according to those same physical laws.

No worries…it’s all about the cash. If Allah ponies up the most then a Muslim I will be. The 72 virgins doesn’t appeal to me, but I’m sure we can work out a suitable retirement and benefits package…


But I’d suggest getting in a lot of heavy drinking now before you close the deal. And eat a lot bacon.

The problem with my answer is that it begs the question - it presupposes that there is a way for an omniscient entity to be able to know that it was omniscient. I’m not entirely sure that this is something we should just grant.

That’s true. I was omniscient once. But I didn’t know it at the time.

We are very much Loved children of the universe, but we are still children none-the-less.

The laws were changed, where 1 nights worth of oil was made to last 7(?) - a celebration known as Chanukkah, the law of conservation of energy was suspended by God. We were allowed to remove a outlet cover and tap into much more power then the current LoCoE allows. Some may not like that law being lifted, particular those who stand to benefit, others, like yourself from the tone of your posting, because of fear. Advancement is not to be feared because it is divinely guided, but without God, perhaps those laws give a sense of comfort.

Please tell us which immutable natural laws you have personally overcome through your belief in your god.