Societal Impact of Internet Porn

While it’s possible that easy availability of Internet porn is a factor, correlation does not prove causation, and it would be disingenuous to claim that it is a “proven effect.” The economy has gone south about the same time, too – maybe that’s the real reason? Or increased church attendance has caused reduced Satanic influence – could that be it? :slight_smile:

Yes, but I started that thread precisely because feminists had always said that increased porn availbility/use would increase the "objectification"of women, leadng to more rape. Well, porn use has increased, and rape has gone down. A lot. If that hasn’t disproved that particular feminist idea, I don’t know what could have.

Of course it would be possible (and has certainly be done) to conduct a proper scientifically sound survey to find out this information. Most of us (as in, we non-researchers), however, estimate that everyone is doing it about the same as we are, or maybe a little more if our self-esteem is low. (Studies have shown that, too.)

But the guy who wrote the article? My guess is that he’s basing it off his clients’ reports. Y’know, those clients who have come to him for his help as a counselor because they’re unhappy with aspects of their sexuality. And I’m going to go way out on a limb here and say that interviewing the ill to determine the state of the general population probably isn’t all that scientifically sound a practice.

(Yeah, I’m looking at you, Freud.)

Nah, he just made a move to a fourth wife.

Point taken about the internet angle on a lot of fear-mongering, but I think with porn there are other factors besides the internet that make it more of an issue than it used to be. I mean, in the pre-internet days if you wanted porn you had to put on pants and shoes, hie yourself down to the corner store or drive to the sex shop/theater for anything stronger than Playboy, and fork over your hard-earned money. Now you push a button and anything you want is right there, right then, for free. You don’t even have to stop scratching yourself long enough to push the button, unless you’ve lost an arm. Logically speaking, when you remove the barriers of unavailability, inconvenience of access, and price, you expect usage of a product to rise substantially, so I’d be shocked if you could show that porn usage hasn’t increased markedly in the last, say, 20 years.

In fact, I’d be kind of surprised if actual sex hadn’t become somewhat less frequent with some/many couples due to the increased convenience of porn use. For an example, think about a guy home alone who gets horny and is bored with whatever porn he currently has. He can either wait for his wife to get home and have sex with her, or he can procure new porn. The faster, easier, and cheaper it is to get new porn, the more likely it is that waiting will become the less attractive option and fap will ensue, especially with people who aren’t great at deferring gratification.

My guess is the author of the article just recently stated having real sex for the first time. It’s so cool he thinks everyone else should stop whacking off to porn. And, as an added bonus, he is now an expert on the challenges women face on the sexual front.

I’ve long since lost count of the number of women I’ve had. But I can tell you that probably 90% of them are sexually boring. I mean, you could say that they’re fucking boring! No, I’m not jaded; I’m just tired of all the self-proclaimed “daredevils” who think they’re just absolutely wicked, because they admittedly kinda like sex.

Okay, in all fairness, it’s not right to blame it on the women. They’re reacting to generations of social indoctrination that, even though it’s now okay to like sex, they shouldn’t like it TOO much, lest they be considered worthless sluts. The whole issue is equally shared by women AND men with too-fragile egos that are threatened by their partners’ libido. Even though the supposed sexual revolution is 30-40 years behind us.

No, I doubt that internet porn is going to have much impact upon society that we haven’t always had, but it probably helps with a lot of frustration out there.